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Python multiprocessing - Why is using functools.partial slower than default arguments?

Consider the following function:

def f(x, dummy=list(range(10000000))):
    return x

If I use multiprocessing.Pool.imap, I get the following timings:

import time
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool

def f(x, dummy=list(range(10000000))):
    return x

start = time.time()
pool = Pool(2)
for x in pool.imap(f, range(10)):
    print("parent process, x=%s, elapsed=%s" % (x, int(time.time() - start)))

parent process, x=0, elapsed=0
parent process, x=1, elapsed=0
parent process, x=2, elapsed=0
parent process, x=3, elapsed=0
parent process, x=4, elapsed=0
parent process, x=5, elapsed=0
parent process, x=6, elapsed=0
parent process, x=7, elapsed=0
parent process, x=8, elapsed=0
parent process, x=9, elapsed=0

Now if I use functools.partial instead of using a default value:

import time
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial

def f(x, dummy):
    return x

start = time.time()
g = partial(f, dummy=list(range(10000000)))
pool = Pool(2)
for x in pool.imap(g, range(10)):
    print("parent process, x=%s, elapsed=%s" % (x, int(time.time() - start)))

parent process, x=0, elapsed=1
parent process, x=1, elapsed=2
parent process, x=2, elapsed=5
parent process, x=3, elapsed=7
parent process, x=4, elapsed=8
parent process, x=5, elapsed=9
parent process, x=6, elapsed=10
parent process, x=7, elapsed=10
parent process, x=8, elapsed=11
parent process, x=9, elapsed=11

Why is the version using functools.partial so much slower?

like image 588
usual me Avatar asked Jan 28 '16 12:01

usual me

People also ask

What does Functools partial do?

You can create partial functions in python by using the partial function from the functools library. Partial functions allow one to derive a function with x parameters to a function with fewer parameters and fixed values set for the more limited function.

Why is multiprocessing slow in Python?

The multiprocessing version is slower because it needs to reload the model in every map call because the mapped functions are assumed to be stateless. The multiprocessing version looks as follows. Note that in some cases, it is possible to achieve this using the initializer argument to multiprocessing.

What can you tell about multiprocessing in Python?

multiprocessing is a package that supports spawning processes using an API similar to the threading module. The multiprocessing package offers both local and remote concurrency, effectively side-stepping the Global Interpreter Lock by using subprocesses instead of threads.

1 Answers

Using multiprocessing requires sending the worker processes information about the function to run, not just the arguments to pass. That information is transferred by pickling that information in the main process, sending it to the worker process, and unpickling it there.

This leads to the primary issue:

Pickling a function with default arguments is cheap; it only pickles the name of the function (plus the info to let Python know it's a function); the worker processes just look up the local copy of the name. They already have a named function f to find, so it costs almost nothing to pass it.

But pickling a partial function involves pickling the underlying function (cheap) and all the default arguments (expensive when the default argument is a 10M long list). So every time a task is dispatched in the partial case, it's pickling the bound argument, sending it to the worker process, the worker process unpickles, then finally does the "real" work. On my machine, that pickle is roughly 50 MB in size, which is a huge amount of overhead; in quick timing tests on my machine, pickling and unpickling a 10 million long list of 0 takes about 620 ms (and that's ignoring the overhead of actually transferring the 50 MB of data).

partials have to pickle this way, because they don't know their own names; when pickling a function like f, f (being def-ed) knows its qualified name (in an interactive interpreter or from the main module of a program, it's __main__.f), so the remote side can just recreate it locally by doing the equivalent of from __main__ import f. But the partial doesn't know its name; sure, you assigned it to g, but neither pickle nor the partial itself know it available with the qualified name __main__.g; it could be named foo.fred or a million other things. So it has to pickle the info necessary to recreate it entirely from scratch. It's also pickle-ing for each call (not just once per worker) because it doesn't know that the callable isn't changing in the parent between work items, and it's always trying to ensure it sends up to date state.

You have other issues (timing creation of the list only in the partial case and the minor overhead of calling a partial wrapped function vs. calling the function directly), but those are chump change relative to the per-call overhead pickling and unpickling the partial is adding (the initial creation of the list is adding one-time overhead of a little under half what each pickle/unpickle cycle costs; the overhead to call through the partial is less than a microsecond).

like image 187
ShadowRanger Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
