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Python - modelling probability

I have a simple problem. I need a way to make a function which generates 0s in p percent cases and 1s in all other cases. I tried doing it with random.random() like this:

p = 0.40

def generate():
    x = random.random()
    if x < p:
        return 0
        return 1

However, this doesn't seem like a good way. Or it is?

like image 962
darxsys Avatar asked Jun 07 '13 20:06


1 Answers

Your current method is perfectly fine, you can verify this by performing a few trials with a lot of attempts. For example we would expect approximately 600000 True results with 1000000 attempts:

>>> sum(generate() for i in range(1000000))
>>> sum(generate() for i in range(1000000))
>>> sum(generate() for i in range(1000000))
>>> sum(generate() for i in range(1000000))
>>> sum(generate() for i in range(1000000))

Looks about right.

As noted in comments, you can shorten your method a bit:

p = 0.40

def generate():
    return random.random() >= p

If you want 1 and 0 instead of True and False you can use int(random.random() >= p), but this is almost definitely unnecessary.

like image 87
Andrew Clark Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09

Andrew Clark