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Python: mock patch a module wherever it is imported from

I need to make sure that running unit tests won't trigger calling a heavy outer world function, say, this one:

# bigbad.py
def request(param):
    return 'I searched the whole Internet for "{}"'.format(param)

Multiple modules use this function (bigbad.request) and they import it differently (in real-life it may be imported from an external library as well). Say, there are two modules, a and b, where b depends on a and both use the function:

# a.py, from...import
from bigbad import request

def routine_a():
    return request('a')

# b.py, imports directly
import a
import bigbad

def routine_b():
    resp_a = a.routine_a()
    return 'resp_a: {}, resp_b=request(resp_a): {}'.format(resp_a, bigbad.request(resp_a))

Is there a way to make sure that bigbad.request is not ever called? This code mocks only one of the imports:

# test_b.py
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import b

with mock.patch('bigbad.request') as mock_request:
    mock_request.return_value = 'mocked'

Obviously I could refactor b and change the imports but this way I cannot guarantee that someone during the future development is not going to break this provision. I believe tests should test behaviour than implementation details.

like image 482
adam.ra Avatar asked May 18 '16 10:05


People also ask

How do I use a patch mock in Python?

How do we mock in Python? Mocking in Python is done by using patch to hijack an API function or object creation call. When patch intercepts a call, it returns a MagicMock object by default. By setting properties on the MagicMock object, you can mock the API call to return any value you want or raise an Exception .

What is the difference between mock and MagicMock?

So what is the difference between them? MagicMock is a subclass of Mock . It contains all magic methods pre-created and ready to use (e.g. __str__ , __len__ , etc.). Therefore, you should use MagicMock when you need magic methods, and Mock if you don't need them.

What is the difference between mock and patch?

Mock is a type, and patch is a context. So you are going to pass or receive Mock instances as parameters, and apply patch contexts to blocks of code. (Lowercase 'mock' is just the name of the package.) Tests and test classes are often decorated with calls to patch.

What does @patch do in Python?

This, along with its subclasses, will meet most Python mocking needs that you will face in your tests. The library also provides a function, called patch() , which replaces the real objects in your code with Mock instances.

3 Answers

For any people coming to this question from the future, I wrote a function to patch all imports of a given symbol.

This function returns a list of patchers for each import of the given symbol (a whole module, a specific function, or any other object). These patchers can then be started/stopped in your test fixture's setup/teardown areas (see the docstring for an example).

How it works:

  • Iterate through every currently visible module in sys.modules
  • If the module's name starts with match_prefix (optional) and does not contain skip_substring (optional), iterate through every local in the module
  • If the local is target_symbol, create a patcher for it, local to the module it's imported in

I recommend using an argument like skip_substring='test' so that you don't patch things imported by your test suite.

from typing import Any, Optional
import unittest.mock as mock
import sys

def patch_all_symbol_imports(
        target_symbol: Any, match_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
        skip_substring: Optional[str] = None
    Iterate through every visible module (in sys.modules) that starts with
    `match_prefix` to find imports of `target_symbol` and return a list
    of patchers for each import.

    This is helpful when you want to patch a module, function, or object
    everywhere in your project's code, even when it is imported with an alias.



        import datetime

        # Setup
        patchers = patch_all_symbol_imports(datetime, 'my_project.', 'test')
        for patcher in patchers:
            mock_dt = patcher.start()
            # Do stuff with the mock

        # Teardown
        for patcher in patchers:

    :param target_symbol: the symbol to search for imports of (may be a module,
        a function, or some other object)
    :param match_prefix: if not None, only search for imports in
        modules that begin with this string
    :param skip_substring: if not None, skip any module that contains this
        substring (e.g. 'test' to skip unit test modules)
    :return: a list of patchers for each import of the target symbol

    patchers = []

    # Iterate through all currently imported modules
    # Make a copy in case it changes
    for module in list(sys.modules.values()):
        name_matches = (
                match_prefix is None
                or module.__name__.startswith(match_prefix)
        should_skip = (
            skip_substring is not None and skip_substring in module.__name__
        if not name_matches or should_skip:

        # Iterate through this module's locals
        # Again, make a copy
        for local_name, local in list(module.__dict__.items()):
            if local is target_symbol:
                # Patch this symbol local to the module
                    f'{module.__name__}.{local_name}', autospec=True

    return patchers

For this question specifically, the following code could be used:

from bigbad import request

patchers = patch_all_symbol_imports(request, skip_substring='test')
for patcher in patchers:
    mock_request = patcher.start()
    mock_request.return_value = 'mocked'


for patcher in patchers:
like image 197
Phanabani Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10


# a.py, from...import
from bigbad import request

To ensure that the original request is never called, you'll have to patch all the places where the reference is imported:

import mock
with mock.patch('a.request', return_value='mocked') as mock_request:

This is tedious, so if possible don't do from bigbad import request in your code, but use import bigbad; bigbad.request.

Another solution: if possible, change bigbad.py:

# bigbad.py
def _request(param):
    return 'I searched the whole Internet for "{}"'.format(param)

def request(param):
    return _request(param)

Then, even if some code does from bigbad import request, you'd be able to do with mock.patch('bigbad._request', return_value='mocked') as mock_request:.

like image 29
warvariuc Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10


import bigbad
bigbad.request = # some dummy function

This will work as long as it runs before any module that does from bigbad import request is run/imported. That is, as long as they run after, they will receive the dummy function.

like image 38
Alex Hall Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10

Alex Hall