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Python Matplotlib Boxplot Color

I am trying to make two sets of box plots using Matplotlib. I want each set of box plot filled (and points and whiskers) in a different color. So basically there will be two colors on the plot

My code is below, would be great if you can help make these plots in color. d0 and d1 are each list of lists of data. I want the set of box plots made with data in d0 in one color, and the set of box plots with data in d1 in another color.

plt.boxplot(d0, widths = 0.1)
plt.boxplot(d1, widths = 0.1)
like image 497
user58925 Avatar asked Feb 02 '17 08:02


People also ask

How do you change the color of a boxplot?

To change the color of box of boxplot in base R, we can use col argument inside boxplot function.

4 Answers

To colorize the boxplot, you need to first use the patch_artist=True keyword to tell it that the boxes are patches and not just paths. Then you have two main options here:

  1. set the color via ...props keyword argument, e.g.
    boxprops=dict(facecolor="red"). For all keyword arguments, refer to the documentation
  2. Use the plt.setp(item, properties) functionality to set the properties of the boxes, whiskers, fliers, medians, caps.
  3. obtain the individual items of the boxes from the returned dictionary and use item.set_<property>(...) on them individually. This option is detailed in an answer to the following question: python matplotlib filled boxplots, where it allows to change the color of the individual boxes separately.

The complete example, showing options 1 and 2:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
data = np.random.normal(0.1, size=(100,6))
data[76:79,:] = np.ones((3,6))+0.2

# option 1, specify props dictionaries
c = "red"
plt.boxplot(data[:,:3], positions=[1,2,3], notch=True, patch_artist=True,
            boxprops=dict(facecolor=c, color=c),
            flierprops=dict(color=c, markeredgecolor=c),

# option 2, set all colors individually
c2 = "purple"
box1 = plt.boxplot(data[:,::-2]+1, positions=[1.5,2.5,3.5], notch=True, patch_artist=True)
for item in ['boxes', 'whiskers', 'fliers', 'medians', 'caps']:
        plt.setp(box1[item], color=c2)
plt.setp(box1["boxes"], facecolor=c2)
plt.setp(box1["fliers"], markeredgecolor=c2)

plt.xticks([1,2,3], [1,2,3])

enter image description here

like image 51
ImportanceOfBeingErnest Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10


You can change the color of a box plot using setp on the returned value from boxplot(). This example defines a box_plot() function that allows the edge and fill colors to be specified:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def box_plot(data, edge_color, fill_color):
    bp = ax.boxplot(data, patch_artist=True)
    for element in ['boxes', 'whiskers', 'fliers', 'means', 'medians', 'caps']:
        plt.setp(bp[element], color=edge_color)

    for patch in bp['boxes']:
    return bp
example_data1 = [[1,2,0.8], [0.5,2,2], [3,2,1]]
example_data2 = [[5,3, 4], [6,4,3,8], [6,4,9]]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bp1 = box_plot(example_data1, 'red', 'tan')
bp2 = box_plot(example_data2, 'blue', 'cyan')
ax.legend([bp1["boxes"][0], bp2["boxes"][0]], ['Data 1', 'Data 2'])
ax.set_ylim(0, 10)

This would display as follows:

box plot screenshot

like image 45
Martin Evans Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Martin Evans

This question seems to be similar to that one (Face pattern for boxes in boxplots) I hope this code solves your problem

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# fake data
d0 = [[4.5, 5, 6, 4],[4.5, 5, 6, 4]]
d1 = [[1, 2, 3, 3.3],[1, 2, 3, 3.3]]

# basic plot
bp0 = plt.boxplot(d0, patch_artist=True)
bp1 = plt.boxplot(d1, patch_artist=True)

for box in bp0['boxes']:
    # change outline color
    box.set(color='red', linewidth=2)
    # change fill color
    box.set(facecolor = 'green' )
    # change hatch
    box.set(hatch = '/')

for box in bp1['boxes']:
    box.set(color='blue', linewidth=5)
    box.set(facecolor = 'red' )


enter image description here

like image 12
Roman Fursenko Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Roman Fursenko

Change the color of a boxplot

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#generate some random data
data = np.random.randn(200)
d= [data, data]
box = plt.boxplot(d, showfliers=False)
# change the color of its elements
for _, line_list in box.items():
    for line in line_list:


enter image description here

like image 4
Amjad Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
