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python -m SimpleHTTPServer - Listening on but gives "Page Not Found"


After cding to my folder I enter

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

and get

Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...

in reply. But when I hit I get a page not found error.

I've also tried

pushd /path/you/want/to/serve; python -m SimpleHTTPServer; popd

taken from this question

When I hit ls I can see the file and the directory. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

like image 918
Denis Hoctor Avatar asked Dec 03 '10 01:12

Denis Hoctor

3 Answers

I think the other two answers are trying to make it clear that is not the URL you should be visiting. When a Python web server (like cherrypy for instance) says it is serving on it means it is listening for all TCP traffic that ends up at that machine no matter the hostname or IP that was requested. But, if you change it such that the socket listens on or 'localhost', then unless the request was specifically to that IP/hostname, it won't respond to the request. For example, many times you can use your machine name instead of localhost (ubuntu allows this for example). If your machine name is 'brian' and you have a server listening on, you should be able to reach that server with http://brian:8080. But if that server is listening on 'localhost', even though 'brian' is set to point to 'localhost', the server won't receive the message.

You also need to be sure the file really is in the directory you are running the command from. Otherwise, the 404 response is actually correct :)

Good luck!

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elarson Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 09:01


Have you tried ?


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Ryan Ginstrom Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 08:01

Ryan Ginstrom

You must type in the ip-address of the computer your connecting to for example Change that to the ip-address of your server.

like image 43
Rob Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 09:01
