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Python - Loop parallelisation with joblib

I would like some help understanding exactly what I have done/ why my code isn't running as I would expect.

I have started to use joblib to try and speed up my code by running a (large) loop in parallel.

I am using it like so:

from joblib import Parallel, delayed
def frame(indeces, image_pad, m):

    XY_Patches = np.float32(image_pad[indeces[0]:indeces[0]+m, indeces[1]:indeces[1]+m,  indeces[2]])
    XZ_Patches = np.float32(image_pad[indeces[0]:indeces[0]+m, indeces[1],                  indeces[2]:indeces[2]+m])
    YZ_Patches = np.float32(image_pad[indeces[0],                 indeces[1]:indeces[1]+m,  indeces[2]:indeces[2]+m])

    return XY_Patches, XZ_Patches, YZ_Patches

def Patch_triplanar_para(image_path, patch_size):

    Image, Label, indeces =  Sampling(image_path)

    n = (patch_size -1)/2
    m = patch_size

    image_pad = np.pad(Image, pad_width=n, mode='constant', constant_values = 0)

    A = Parallel(n_jobs= 1)(delayed(frame)(i, image_pad, m) for i in indeces)
    A = np.array(A)
    Label = np.float32(Label.reshape(len(Label), 1))
    R, T, Y =  np.hsplit(A, 3)

    return R, T, Y, Label

I have been experimenting with "n_jobs", expecting that increasing this will speed up my function. However as I increase n_jobs, things slow down quite significantly. When running this code without "Parallel", things are slower, until I increase the number of jobs from 1.

Why is this the case? I understood that the more jobs I run, the faster the script? am i using this wrong?


like image 705
JB1 Avatar asked May 31 '16 12:05


People also ask

How do I use joblib parallel in Python?

With the Parallel and delayed functions from Joblib, we can simply configure a parallel run of the my_fun() function. n_jobs is the number of parallel jobs, and we set it to be 2 here. i is the input parameter of my_fun() function, and we'd like to run 10 iterations.

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How do you parallelize a nested loop in Python?

A simple approach could be to divide the array in sections and create some threads to operate throught these sections. For example one section from (0,0,0) to (5,10,15) and other one from (5,10,16) to (10,20,30). You can define these sections through some algorithm and determine the number of threads dynamically.

How does joblib parallel work?

By default joblib. Parallel uses the 'loky' backend module to start separate Python worker processes to execute tasks concurrently on separate CPUs.

2 Answers

Maybe your problem is caused because image_pad is a large array. In your code, you are using the default multiprocessing backend of joblib. This backend creates a pool of workers, each of which is a Python process. The input data to the function is then copied n_jobs times and broadcasted to each worker in the pool, which can lead to a serious overhead. Quoting from joblib's docs:

By default the workers of the pool are real Python processes forked using the multiprocessing module of the Python standard library when n_jobs != 1. The arguments passed as input to the Parallel call are serialized and reallocated in the memory of each worker process.

This can be problematic for large arguments as they will be reallocated n_jobs times by the workers.

As this problem can often occur in scientific computing with numpy based datastructures, joblib.Parallel provides a special handling for large arrays to automatically dump them on the filesystem and pass a reference to the worker to open them as memory map on that file using the numpy.memmap subclass of numpy.ndarray. This makes it possible to share a segment of data between all the worker processes.

Note: The following only applies with the default "multiprocessing" backend. If your code can release the GIL, then using backend="threading" is even more efficient.

So if this is your case, you should switch to the threading backend, if you are able to release the global interpreter lock when calling frame, or switch to the shared memory approach of joblib.

The docs say that joblib provides an automated memmap conversion that could be useful.

like image 126
lucianopaz Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09


It's quite possible that the problem you are running up against is a fundamental one to the nature of the python compiler.

If you read "https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/jfp/entry/Python_Is_Not_C?lang=en", you can see from a professional who specialises in optimisation and parallelising python code that iterating through large loops is an inherently slow operation for a python thread to perform. Therefore, spawning more processes that loop through arrays is only going to slow things down.

However - there are things that can be done.

The Cython and Numba compilers are both designed to optimise code that is similar to C/C++ style (i.e. your case) - in particular Numba's new @vectorise decorators allow scalar functions to take in and apply operations on large arrays with large arrays in a parallel manner (target=Parallel).

I don't understand your code enough to give an example of an implementation, but try this! These compilers, used in the correct ways, have brought speed increases of 3000,000% to me for parallel processes in the past!

like image 22
Isky Mathews Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Isky Mathews