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python logging root logger does not show info even if I set the level to INFO




I created the following script. Could any of you explain to me why the output is like what shows below


import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

print('debug', logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG))
print('info', logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO))
print('warning', logger.isEnabledFor(logging.WARNING))
print('error', logger.isEnabledFor(logging.ERROR))




debug True
info True
warning True
error True


  1. what is the difference between logger.info and logging.info here

  2. how come that logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) is True while logger.debug('debug') does not show anything

  3. how come that logger.info has no output but logging.info has

like image 479
doraemon Avatar asked Oct 12 '17 02:10


People also ask

How do you show logging information in Python?

Python Logging – INFO Level To log an INFO line using Python Logging, Check if the logger has atleast a logging level of INFO. Use logging.info() method, with the message passed as argument, to print the INFO line to the console or log file.

How do I enable logger in Python?

Configuring Logging Creating loggers, handlers, and formatters explicitly using Python code that calls the configuration methods listed above. Creating a logging config file and reading it using the fileConfig() function. Creating a dictionary of configuration information and passing it to the dictConfig() function.

What is the default log level for root logger?

By default, the root log level is WARN, so every log with lower level (for example via logging.info("info") ) will be ignored. Another particularity of the root logger is that its default handler will be created the first time a log with a level greater than WARN is logged.

How does logging level work Python?

Logging LevelsWhen you set a logging level in Python using the standard module, you're telling the library you want to handle all events from that level up. Setting the log level to INFO will include INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL messages. NOTSET and DEBUG messages will not be included here.

2 Answers

A few things to clarify:

  1. Default log level for root logger is WARNING
  2. Root logger is not initialized if you do nothing, that is, without any handlers or formatter set up:

    >>> import logging
    >>> logging.root.handlers

Okay, but you found out the problem: when logging level set to DEBUG, the root logger is not working as expected. Debug messages are ignored. With the same not configured root logger, warning messages output normally. Why is that?

Keep in mind we don't have any handler for root logger right now. But looking into the code, we do see:

    if (found == 0):
        if lastResort:
            if record.levelno >= lastResort.level:
        elif raiseExceptions and not self.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning:
            sys.stderr.write("No handlers could be found for logger"
                             " \"%s\"\n" % self.name)
            self.manager.emittedNoHandlerWarning = True

Which means, we have a lastResort for backup if no handler is found. You can refer to the definition of lastResort, it is initialized with logging level WARNING. Meanwhile, debug messages don't have this backup so they are ignored when no handler is set.

For your questions:

  1. These two loggers are identical, since the root logger is returned when getLogger() receives no arguments.
  2. See below:


    Indicates if a message of severity lvl would be processed by this logger. This method checks first the module-level level set by logging.disable(lvl) and then the logger’s effective level as determined by getEffectiveLevel().

  3. Calling any logging functions in logging module will initialize the root logger with basicConfig() which adds a default handler, so that the subsequent calls on logger will also work.

What you should do is, use logging.basicConfig() to set up a default handler for root logger and messages will be output according to the logger level and message level.

like image 192
Ares Ou Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11

Ares Ou

getLogger creates an instance of Logger class if argument name is added. Otherwise it returns root logger. So in this case the program is using the common logger as functions logging.debug, logging.info, logging.warning, logging.info

like image 1
Supreet Sethi Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Supreet Sethi