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Python lists/arrays: disable negative indexing wrap-around in slices

While I find the negative number wraparound (i.e. A[-2] indexing the second-to-last element) extremely useful in many cases, when it happens inside a slice it is usually more of an annoyance than a helpful feature, and I often wish for a way to disable that particular behaviour.

Here is a canned 2D example below, but I have had the same peeve a few times with other data structures and in other numbers of dimensions.

import numpy as np
A = np.random.randint(0, 2, (5, 10))

enter image description here

def foo(i, j, r=2):
  '''sum of neighbours within r steps of A[i,j]'''
  return A[i-r:i+r+1, j-r:j+r+1].sum()

In the slice above I would rather that any negative number to the slice would be treated the same as None is, rather than wrapping to the other end of the array.

Because of the wrapping, the otherwise nice implementation above gives incorrect results at boundary conditions and requires some sort of patch like:

def ugly_foo(i, j, r=2):
  def thing(n):
    return None if n < 0 else n
  return A[thing(i-r):i+r+1, thing(j-r):j+r+1].sum()

I have also tried zero-padding the array or list, but it is still inelegant (requires adjusting the lookup locations indices accordingly) and inefficient (requires copying the array).

Am I missing some standard trick or elegant solution for slicing like this? I noticed that python and numpy already handle the case where you specify too large a number nicely - that is, if the index is greater than the shape of the array it behaves the same as if it were None.

like image 998
wim Avatar asked Nov 16 '12 04:11


2 Answers

If this only needs to apply in a few specific operations, a simple & straightworward if index>=0: do_something(array[i]) / if index<0: raise IndexError would do.

If this needs to apply wider, it's still the same logic, just being wrapped in this manner or another.

like image 162
ivan_pozdeev Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09


My guess is that you would have to create your own subclass wrapper around the desired objects and re-implement __getitem__() to convert negative keys to None, and then call the superclass __getitem__

Note, what I am suggesting is to subclass existing custom classes, but NOT builtins like list or dict. This is simply to make a utility around another class, not to confuse the normal expected operations of a list type. It would be something you would want to use within a certain context for a period of time until your operations are complete. It is best to avoid making a globally different change that will confuse users of your code.


object.getitem(self, key)
Called to implement evaluation of self[key]. For sequence types, the accepted keys should be integers and slice objects. Note that the special interpretation of negative indexes (if the class wishes to emulate a sequence type) is up to the getitem() method. If key is of an inappropriate type, TypeError may be raised; if of a value outside the set of indexes for the sequence (after any special interpretation of negative values), IndexError should be raised. For mapping types, if key is missing (not in the container), KeyError should be raised.

You could even create a wrapper that simply takes an instance as an arg, and just defers all __getitem__() calls to that private member, while converting the key, for cases where you can't or don't want to subclass a type, and instead just want a utility wrapper for any sequence object.

Quick example of the latter suggestion:

class NoWrap(object):

    def __init__(self, obj, default=None):
        self._obj = obj 
        self._default = default

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, int):
            if key < 0:
                return self._default

        return self._obj.__getitem__(key)

In [12]: x = range(-10,10)
In [13]: x_wrapped = NoWrap(x)
In [14]: print x_wrapped[5]
In [15]: print x_wrapped[-1]
In [16]: x_wrapped = NoWrap(x, 'FOO')
In [17]: print x_wrapped[-1]
like image 31
jdi Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
