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Python - Is this code lacking List Comprehensions and Generators [closed]

This is my first question, and I apologize if its a bit long on the code-example side.

As part of a job application I was asked to write a Bit Torrent file parser that exposed some of the fields. I did the code, and was told my code was "not quite at the level that we require from a team lead". Ouch!

That's fine its, been years since I have coded, and list comprehensions, generators did not exist back in the day (I started with COBOL, but have coded with C, C++, etc). To me the below code is very clean. Sometimes there is no need to use more complex structures, syntax or patterns - "Keep it Simple".

Could I ask some Python guru's to critique this code please? I'm believe it is useful to others to see where the code could be improved. There were more comments, etc (the bencode.py is from http://wiki.theory.org/Decoding_bencoded_data_with_python )

The areas I can think of:

  1. in the display_* methods to use list comprehensions to avoid the string of "if's"better
  2. list comprehension / generator usage
  3. bad use of globals
  4. stdin/stdout/piping? This was a simple assignment, so I thought it was not necessary.

I was personally proud of this code, so would like to know where I need to improve. Thanks.

    #!/usr/bin/env python2
    """Bit Torrent Parsing

    Parses a Bit Torrent file.

    A basic parser for Bit Torrent files.  Visit http://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification for the BitTorrent specification.


    __author__ = "...."
    __version__ = "$Revision: 1.0 $"
    __date__ = "$Date: 2012/10/26 11:08:46 $"
    __copyright__ = "Enjoy & Distribute"
    __license__ = "Python"

    import bencode
    import argparse
    from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
    import binascii
    import time
    import os
    import pprint

    torrent_files = 0
    torrent_pieces = 0

    def display_root(filename, root):
        """prints main (root) information on torrent"""
        global torrent_files
        global torrent_pieces

        print "Bit Torrent Metafile Structure root nodes:"
        print "------------------------------------------"
        print "Torrent filename: ", filename
        print "    Info:           %d file(s), %d pieces, ~%d kb/pc" % (
                   root['info']['piece length'] / 1024)

        if 'private' in root['info']:
            if root['info']['private'] == 1:
                print "                      Publish presence: Private"

        print "    Announce:      ", root['announce']

        if 'announce-list' in root:
            print "    Announce List: "
            for i in root['announce-list']:
                print "                   ", i[0]  

        if 'creation date' in root:
            print "    Creation Date: ", time.ctime(root['creation date'])

        if 'comment' in root:
            print "    Comment:       ", root['comment']

        if 'created-by' in root:
            print "    Created-By:    ", root['created-by']

        print "    Encoding:      ", root['encoding']

    def display_torrent_file(info):
        """prints file information (single or multifile)"""
        global torrent_files
        global torrent_pieces

        if 'files' in info:
            # multipart file mode
            # directory, followed by filenames

            print "Files:"

            max_files = args.maxfiles 
            display = max_files if (max_files < torrent_files) else torrent_files
            print "    %d File %d shown: " % (torrent_files, display)
            print "    Directory: ", info['name']
            print "    Filenames:"

            i = 0
            for files in info['files']:

                if i < max_files:

                    prefix = ''
                    if len(files['path']) > 1:
                        prefix = './'
                    filename = prefix + '/'.join(files['path'])

                    if args.filehash: 
                        if 'md5sum' in files:
                            md5hash = binascii.hexlify(files['md5sum'])
                            md5hash = 'n/a'
                        print '        %s [hash: %s]' % (filename, md5hash)
                        print '        %s ' % filename
                    i += 1

            # single file mode
            print "Filename: ", info['name']


    def display_pieces(pieceDict):
        """prints SHA1 hash for pieces, limited by arg pieces"""
        global torrent_files
        global torrent_pieces 
      #  global pieceDict  

        # limit since a torrent file can have 1,000's of pieces
        max_pieces = args.pieces if args.pieces else 10

        print "Pieces:" 
        print "    Torrent contains %s pieces, %d shown."% (
              torrent_pieces, max_pieces)

        print "    piece : sha1"
        i = 0           
        while i < max_pieces and i < torrent_pieces:
            # print SHA1 hash in readable hex format
            print '    %5d : %s' % (i+1, binascii.hexlify(pieceDict[i]))
            i += 1

    def parse_pieces(root):
        """create dictionary [ piece-num, hash ] from info's pieces  

        Returns the pieces dictionary.  key is the piece number, value is the
        SHA1 hash value (20-bytes) 

        Keyword arguments:
        root -- a Bit Torrent Metafile root dictionary


        global torrent_pieces 

        pieceDict = {}
        i = 0
        while i < torrent_pieces:
            pieceDict[i] = root['info']['pieces'][(20*i):(20*i)+20]
            i += 1   

        return pieceDict

    def parse_root_str(root_str):
        """create dictionary [ piece-num, hash ] from info's pieces  

        Returns the complete Bit Torrent Metafile Structure dictionary with 
        relevant Bit Torrent Metafile nodes and their values.

        Keyword arguments:
        root_str -- a UTF-8 encoded string with root-level nodes (e.g., info)


        global torrent_files
        global torrent_pieces

            torrent_root = bencode.decode(root_str)
        except StandardError:
            print 'Error in torrent file, likely missing separators like ":"'

        if 'files' in torrent_root['info']:
            torrent_files = len(torrent_root['info']['files'])
            torrent_files = 1

        torrent_pieces = len(torrent_root['info']['pieces']) / 20
        torrent_piece = parse_pieces(torrent_root)

        return torrent_root, torrent_piece   

    def readfile(filename):
        """read  file and return file's data"""

        global torrent_files
        global torrent_pieces

        if os.path.exists(filename):  
            with open(filename, mode='rb') as f:
               filedata = f.read()
            print "Error: filename: '%s' does not exist." % filename
            raise IOError("Filename not found.")

        return filedata

    if __name__ == "__main__":

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter,
                  "A basic parser for Bit Torrent files.  Visit "
                  "http://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification for "
                  "the BitTorrent specification.",
                  "The keys for the Bit Torrent MetaInfo File Structure "
                  "are info, announce, announce-list, creation date, comment, "
                  "created by and encoding. \n"
                  "The Info Dictionary (info) is dependant on whether the torrent "
                  "file is a single or multiple file.  The keys common to both "
                  "are piece length, pieces and private.\nFor single files, the "
                  "additional keys are name, length and md5sum.For multiple files " 
                  "the keys are, name and files.  files is also a dictionary with " 
                  "keys length, md5sum and path.\n\n"
                  "torrentparse.py --string 'l4:dir14:dir28:file.exte'\n"
                  "torrentparse.py --filename foo.torrent\n"
                  "torrentparse.py -f foo.torrent -f bar.torrent "
                  "--maxfiles 2 --filehash  --pieces 2  -v")           
        filegroup = parser.add_argument_group('Input File or String')
        filegroup.add_argument("-f", "--filename", 
                   help="name of torrent file to parse",
        filegroup.add_argument("-fh", "--filehash", 
                   help="display file's MD5 hash",
                   action = "store_true") 
        filegroup.add_argument("-maxf", "--maxfiles",
                   help="display X filenames (default=20)",
                   metavar = 'X',
                   type=int, default=20) 

        piecegroup = parser.add_argument_group('Torrent Pieces')
        piecegroup.add_argument("-p", "--pieces", 
                   help = "display X piece's SHA1 hash (default=10)", 
                   metavar = 'X',
                   type = int)

        parser.add_argument("-s", "--string",
                   help="string for bencoded dictionary item")

        parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", 
                   help = "Display MetaInfo file to stdout",
                   action = "store_true")

        args = parser.parse_args()

        if args.string:
            text = bencode.decode(args.string)
            print text
            for fn in args.filename:

                    filedata = readfile(fn)
                    torrent_root, torrent_piece = parse_root_str(filedata)
                except IOError: 
                    print "Please enter a valid filename"

                if torrent_root:
                    display_root(fn, torrent_root)

                    if args.pieces:

                verbose = True if args.verbose else False
                if verbose:
                    print "Verbose Mode: \nPrinting root and info dictionaries"
                    # remove pieces as its long. display it afterwards
                    pieceless_root = torrent_root
                    del pieceless_root['info']['pieces']
                    pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

                    print "Print info's piece information: "
                print "\n"
like image 901
Doug Ottawa Avatar asked Nov 10 '12 03:11

Doug Ottawa

1 Answers

The following snippet:

i = 0
while i < torrent_pieces:
    pieceDict[i] = root['info']['pieces'][(20*i):(20*i)+20]
    i += 1

should be replaced by:

for i in range(torrent_pieces):
    pieceDict[i] = root['info']['pieces'][(20*i):(20*i)+20]

That might be the kind of thing they want to see. In general, Python code shouldn't need explicit index variable manipulation in for loops very much.

like image 183
japreiss Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10
