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Python Implementation of Viterbi Algorithm




I'm doing a Python project in which I'd like to use the Viterbi Algorithm. Does anyone know of a complete Python implementation of the Viterbi algorithm? The correctness of the one on Wikipedia seems to be in question on the talk page. Does anyone have a pointer?

like image 887
Jeffrey Avatar asked Mar 15 '12 23:03


4 Answers

Here's mine. Its paraphrased directly from the psuedocode implemenation from wikipedia. It uses numpy for conveince of their ndarray but is otherwise a pure python3 implementation.

import numpy as np

def viterbi(y, A, B, Pi=None):
    Return the MAP estimate of state trajectory of Hidden Markov Model.

    y : array (T,)
        Observation state sequence. int dtype.
    A : array (K, K)
        State transition matrix. See HiddenMarkovModel.state_transition  for
    B : array (K, M)
        Emission matrix. See HiddenMarkovModel.emission for details.
    Pi: optional, (K,)
        Initial state probabilities: Pi[i] is the probability x[0] == i. If
        None, uniform initial distribution is assumed (Pi[:] == 1/K).

    x : array (T,)
        Maximum a posteriori probability estimate of hidden state trajectory,
        conditioned on observation sequence y under the model parameters A, B,
    T1: array (K, T)
        the probability of the most likely path so far
    T2: array (K, T)
        the x_j-1 of the most likely path so far
    # Cardinality of the state space
    K = A.shape[0]
    # Initialize the priors with default (uniform dist) if not given by caller
    Pi = Pi if Pi is not None else np.full(K, 1 / K)
    T = len(y)
    T1 = np.empty((K, T), 'd')
    T2 = np.empty((K, T), 'B')

    # Initilaize the tracking tables from first observation
    T1[:, 0] = Pi * B[:, y[0]]
    T2[:, 0] = 0

    # Iterate throught the observations updating the tracking tables
    for i in range(1, T):
        T1[:, i] = np.max(T1[:, i - 1] * A.T * B[np.newaxis, :, y[i]].T, 1)
        T2[:, i] = np.argmax(T1[:, i - 1] * A.T, 1)

    # Build the output, optimal model trajectory
    x = np.empty(T, 'B')
    x[-1] = np.argmax(T1[:, T - 1])
    for i in reversed(range(1, T)):
        x[i - 1] = T2[x[i], i]

    return x, T1, T2
like image 134
RBF06 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


I found the following code in the example repository of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Is something like this what you're looking for?

def viterbi_segment(text, P):
    """Find the best segmentation of the string of characters, given the
    UnigramTextModel P."""
    # best[i] = best probability for text[0:i]
    # words[i] = best word ending at position i
    n = len(text)
    words = [''] + list(text)
    best = [1.0] + [0.0] * n
    ## Fill in the vectors best, words via dynamic programming
    for i in range(n+1):
        for j in range(0, i):
            w = text[j:i]
            if P[w] * best[i - len(w)] >= best[i]:
                best[i] = P[w] * best[i - len(w)]
                words[i] = w
    ## Now recover the sequence of best words
    sequence = []; i = len(words)-1
    while i > 0:
        sequence[0:0] = [words[i]]
        i = i - len(words[i])
    ## Return sequence of best words and overall probability
    return sequence, best[-1]
like image 26
Will Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11


Hmm I can post mine. Its not pretty though, please let me know if you need clarification. I wrote this relatively recently for specifically part of speech tagging.

class Trellis:
    trell = []
    def __init__(self, hmm, words):
        self.trell = []
        temp = {}
        for label in hmm.labels:
           temp[label] = [0,None]
        for word in words:

    def fill_in(self,hmm):
        for i in range(len(self.trell)):
            for token in self.trell[i][1]:
                word = self.trell[i][0]
                if i == 0:
                    self.trell[i][1][token][0] = hmm.e(token,word)
                    max = None
                    guess = None
                    c = None
                    for k in self.trell[i-1][1]:
                        c = self.trell[i-1][1][k][0] + hmm.t(k,token)
                        if max == None or c > max:
                            max = c
                            guess = k
                    max += hmm.e(token,word)
                    self.trell[i][1][token][0] = max
                    self.trell[i][1][token][1] = guess

    def return_max(self):
        tokens = []
        token = None
        for i in range(len(self.trell)-1,-1,-1):
            if token == None:
                max = None
                guess = None
                for k in self.trell[i][1]:
                    if max == None or self.trell[i][1][k][0] > max:
                        max = self.trell[i][1][k][0]
                        token = self.trell[i][1][k][1]
                        guess = k
                token = self.trell[i][1][token][1]
        return tokens
like image 9
placeybordeaux Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


I have just corrected the pseudo implementation of Viterbi in Wikipedia. From the initial (incorrect) version, it took me a while to figure out where I was going wrong but I finally managed it, thanks partly to Kevin Murphy's implementation of the viterbi_path.m in the MatLab HMM toolbox.

In the context of an HMM object with variables as shown:

hmm = HMM()
hmm.priors = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) # pi = prior probs
hmm.transition = np.array([[0.75, 0.25], # A = transition probs. / 2 states
                           [0.32, 0.68]])
hmm.emission = np.array([[0.8, 0.1, 0.1], # B = emission (observation) probs. / 3 obs modes
                         [0.1, 0.2, 0.7]])

The Python function to run Viterbi (best-path) algorithm is below:

def viterbi (self,observations):
    """Return the best path, given an HMM model and a sequence of observations"""
    # A - initialise stuff
    nSamples = len(observations[0])
    nStates = self.transition.shape[0] # number of states
    c = np.zeros(nSamples) #scale factors (necessary to prevent underflow)
    viterbi = np.zeros((nStates,nSamples)) # initialise viterbi table
    psi = np.zeros((nStates,nSamples)) # initialise the best path table
    best_path = np.zeros(nSamples); # this will be your output

    # B- appoint initial values for viterbi and best path (bp) tables - Eq (32a-32b)
    viterbi[:,0] = self.priors.T * self.emission[:,observations(0)]
    c[0] = 1.0/np.sum(viterbi[:,0])
    viterbi[:,0] = c[0] * viterbi[:,0] # apply the scaling factor
    psi[0] = 0;

    # C- Do the iterations for viterbi and psi for time>0 until T
    for t in range(1,nSamples): # loop through time
        for s in range (0,nStates): # loop through the states @(t-1)
            trans_p = viterbi[:,t-1] * self.transition[:,s]
            psi[s,t], viterbi[s,t] = max(enumerate(trans_p), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
            viterbi[s,t] = viterbi[s,t]*self.emission[s,observations(t)]

        c[t] = 1.0/np.sum(viterbi[:,t]) # scaling factor
        viterbi[:,t] = c[t] * viterbi[:,t]

    # D - Back-tracking
    best_path[nSamples-1] =  viterbi[:,nSamples-1].argmax() # last state
    for t in range(nSamples-1,0,-1): # states of (last-1)th to 0th time step
        best_path[t-1] = psi[best_path[t],t]

    return best_path
like image 7
Zhubarb Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11
