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Python: how to save a Binary Tree?

I was wondering how to save a Binary Tree that I have previously created. Does anyone know how to do it? Thank you so much.

PD: Here there is a link about how to implement a binary tree, I am using this pice od code: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/286239-binary-ordered-tree/

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Peterstone Avatar asked Jun 01 '11 06:06


People also ask

How do you create a binary tree in Python?

The binary search tree is a special type of tree data structure whose inorder gives a sorted list of nodes or vertices. In Python, we can directly create a BST object using binarytree module. bst() generates a random binary search tree and return its root node.

How do you add data to a binary tree in Python?

To insert into a tree we use the same node class created above and add a insert class to it. The insert class compares the value of the node to the parent node and decides to add it as a left node or a right node. Finally the PrintTree class is used to print the tree.

What is TreeNode in Python?

Python TreeNode class A TreeNode is a data structure that represents one entry of a tree, which is composed of multiple of such nodes. The topmost node of a tree is called the “root”, and each node (with the exception of the root node) is associated with one parent node.

3 Answers

One easy solution: - extend the current class to have a load and save method - add a unique id to each node - implement to do a top down parsing and save each node to a xml with a structure like that

<node id="mynicelycrafteduniqueid">
    <rightChild/> <!-- no right child -->

You're done (if data is easily serialized at least), first node is your tree root.

don't forget fertilizer and your tree will be reborn even more beautiful

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Bruce Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10


You could implement a small database (such as sqlite3) to have the structure persist.


Node: {nodeId(PK), [leftChildId](FK), [rightChildId](FK)}
leftChildId, rightChildId references Node;

Similarly to Bruce's answer, you would implement a save / load function.

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josh-fuggle Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10


There are different types of binary trees with different rules that can help simplify deserialization, but basically, just walk the tree and output each node in order, then to re-create it, read in your file and regenerate the structure.

It may be helpful to include markers for each node that indicate whether it's a leaf node (which then tell you whether or not the next element belongs below or above the current node. Alternately, you may want to have a marker that indicates a NULL node, which might help for nodes with a left but not a right branch, for example.


 B   C
D E    F

Could be represented:

A B D - - E - - C - F - -

Or as:


Reminds me of the Computer Science homework I did back in college.

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tylerl Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
