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Python: how to override type hint on an instance attribute in a subclass?

Before you dive in, here is my question: how can I use type hints in a subclass to specify a different type on an instance attribute?

If you are unclear on what that means, read below, where I have drawn up an example to clarify things.

Full Explanation

I have an abstract class Foo, and a subclass of Foo called SubclassOfFoo.

Foo has an abstract method get_something that returns an object of type Something.

Something has a subclass called SubclassOfSomething. SubclassOfSomething has an additional method something_special.

SubclassOfFoo overrides get_something to return an object of type SubclassOfSomething. Then, SubclassOfFoo tries to use SubclassOfSomething's method something_special.

However, currently my PyCharm's inspections are reporting Unresolved attribute reference 'something_special' for class 'Something'. I am trying to figure out the correct way to fix this.

This is all very confusing, so I have made a nice little code snippet to help here:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Something:
    def __init__(self):
        self.attr = 0

class SubclassOfSomething(Something):
    def __init__(self):

    def something_special(self):
        self.attr = 1

class Foo(ABC):
    def __init__(self):
        self.my_class = self.get_something()

    def get_something(self) -> Something:

class SubclassOfFoo(Foo):
    def __init__(self):

    def get_something(self) -> SubclassOfSomething:
        return SubclassOfSomething()

    def do_something_special(self):

Basically, in order to get everything to work out, I can do one of several things:

  1. Remove the type hint on the return of get_something within Foo
  2. Use a type hint in SubclassOfFoo for self.my_class to clear things up
  3. Use generics?

Option 1. is what I am trying to avoid

Option 2. is not bad, but I can't figure it out

Option 3. is also an option.

I am also open to other options, as I am sure there is a better way.

Can you please help me figure out the correct way to handle this?

What I Have Tried

To emulate option 2., I tried using typing.Type as suggested here: Subclass in type hinting

However, this was not working for me.

like image 317
Intrastellar Explorer Avatar asked Sep 24 '19 23:09

Intrastellar Explorer

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1 Answers

Using generics:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

SomethingT = TypeVar('SomethingT', bound='Something')


class Foo(ABC, Generic[SomethingT]):
    my_class: SomethingT

    def __init__(self):
        self.my_class = self.get_something()

    def get_something(self) -> SomethingT:

class SubclassOfFoo(Foo[SubclassOfSomething]):
    def __init__(self):

    def get_something(self) -> SubclassOfSomething:
        return SubclassOfSomething()

    def do_something_special(self):
        # inferred type of `self.my_class` will be `SubclassOfSomething`
like image 199
user2235698 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 06:09
