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Python: How do I add variables with integer values together?



I'm new to Python. How do I add variables with integer values together?

balance = 1000
deposit = 50
balance + deposit
print "Balance: " + str(balance)

I want balance and deposit to add together to it 1050, but I'm just getting 1000. I know I'm clearly not formatting it (balance + deposit) correctly, but I can't figure out the right way to format it.


like image 584
Amanda Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 17:12


2 Answers

Doing this:

balance + deposit

Does the addition and returns the result (1050). However, that result isn't stored anywhere. You need to assign it to a variable:

total = balance + deposit

Or, if you want to increment balance instead of using a new variable, you can use the += operator:

balance += deposit

This is equivalent to doing:

balance = balance + deposit
like image 187
stelioslogothetis Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 06:12


You need to assign the sum to a variable before printing.

balance = 1000
deposit = 50
total = balance + deposit
print "Balance: " + str(total)
like image 44
The_Outsider Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 05:12
