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Python how convert single quotes to double quotes to format as json string


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How do I put double quotes in JSON?

strinput = strinput. ToString. Replace(“'“.”””)

Is JSON single quote or double quote?

Strings in JSON are specified using double quotes, i.e., " . If the strings are enclosed using single quotes, then the JSON is an invalid JSON .

How do you represent a quote in JSON?

JSON names require double quotes.

I have a file where on each line I have text like this (representing cast of a film):

[{'cast_id': 23, 'character': "Roger 'Verbal' Kint", 'credit_id': '52fe4260c3a36847f8019af7', 'gender': 2, 'id': 1979, 'name': 'Kevin Spacey', 'order': 5, 'profile_path': '/x7wF050iuCASefLLG75s2uDPFUu.jpg'}, {'cast_id': 27, 'character': 'Edie's Finneran', 'credit_id': '52fe4260c3a36847f8019b07', 'gender': 1, 'id': 2179, 'name': 'Suzy Amis', 'order': 6, 'profile_path': '/b1pjkncyLuBtMUmqD1MztD2SG80.jpg'}]

I need to convert it in a valid json string, thus converting only the necessary single quotes to double quotes (e.g. the single quotes around word Verbal must not be converted, eventual apostrophes in the text also should not be converted).

I am using python 3.x. I need to find a regular expression which will convert only the right single quotes to double quotes, thus the whole text resulting in a valid json string. Any idea?