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Python - Get original function arguments in decorator

I am trying to write a "login_required" decorator for the views in a WSGI+Werkzeug application.

In order to do this, I need to get at the user's session, which is accessible via the Request object that is passed into the view methods.

I can't figure out how to get at that instance of Request in the decorator, though. I looked at PEP318, specifically the fourth example, but I'm not quite getting it.

Here's what I'm trying:

def login_required(*args, **kw):     def goto_login(**kw):         return redirect(url_for('login'))      def decorate(f):         # args[0] should be request         args[0].client_session['test'] = True         logged_in = 0         if logged_in:             return f         else:             return goto_login     return decorate   @login_required() @expose('/hello/<string:name>') def hello(request, name):     return render_template('say_hello.html', name=name) 

but I get an index out of bounds error trying to call args[0].

Is there any way I can get access to the request argument passed into the "hello" function in the "login_required" decorator?

like image 601
ashgromnies Avatar asked Jun 17 '09 23:06


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1 Answers

The decorator login_required is passed the function (hello in this case).

So what you want to do is:

def login_required(f):     # This function is what we "replace" hello with     def wrapper(*args, **kw):         args[0].client_session['test'] = True         logged_in = 0         if logged_in:             return f(*args, **kw)  # Call hello         else:             return redirect(url_for('login'))     return wrapper 
like image 181
brian-brazil Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
