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Python generator for paged API resource

So I have this RESTful API with a collection people, which can be called like this:


Which returns a JSON response like this:

      "page": 0,
      "next": 1,
      "total": 5000000,
      "people": [
          "firstname": "John",
          "lastname": "Smith",
          "age": 32
          "firstname": "Adam",
          "lastname": "Smith",
          "age": 84

I want to write a Python generator that will yield each person from the response and when it gets to the last person, if there is a next page, it will make the request for the next page with http://example.com/people?lastname=smith&page=1 and continue iterating over the results seamlessly. The resulting class call would be as simple as:

    client = PeopleClient("http://example.com/people")
    smiths = client.get_people_by_last_name("smith")

Where I would then be able to iterate over every "Smith" in smiths; through all 5 million, if necessary.

Any ideas on how to make this happen or if it is even possible?


Using the answer from @ali-afshar as a guide, this implementation should work for the hypothetical REST API:

    import requests

    class PeopleClient:
        def __init__(self, url):
            self._url = url

        def _get_people(self, **kwargs):
            return requests.get(self._url, params=kwargs)

        def get_people_by_last_name(self, lastname):
            current_page = 0
            while current_page >= 0:
                result = self._get_people(lastname=lastname, page=current_page)
                for person in result.get("people", []):
                    yield person

                current_page = result.get("next", -1)
like image 815
jeremyswitzer Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 14:07


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How does yield in Python work?

The Yield keyword in Python is similar to a return statement used for returning values or objects in Python. However, there is a slight difference. The yield statement returns a generator object to the one who calls the function which contains yield, instead of simply returning a value.

2 Answers

Short of writing your code for you, you want to take advantage of Python's generators, rather than realizing the whole set as a list. This way you can start using the results immediately and only perform paged requests when you get to the end of a page.

for person in PeopleClient("http://ex..").get_people_by_last_name("smith"):
    # Do something with the person

Secondly, your implementation of the actual request should take a page parameter which you can increment, and which can be called by the wrapper generator.

def get_people_page(name, page):
    # Perform the HTTP request, using page=page

The generator itself will be something like:

def get_all_people(name):
    page = 0
    has_more = 1
    while has_more:
        for person in get_people_page(name, page):
            yield person
        page += 1
        has_more = # calculate has more by whether you have a next link
                   # or whether the results set is empty
                   # or whether you get an error
like image 143
Ali Afshar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10

Ali Afshar

Here's my generator solution which I think is a touch cleaner, and when working with a specified per_page it saves you an extra needless request.

def get_all(per_page=100):
    page = 0
    while True:
        items = self.api.get(per_page=per_page, page=page)

        for item in items:
            yield item

        if len(items) < per_page:

        page += 1

all_items = list(get_all())

The self.api.get() must accept a page and per_page param.

like image 44
jmoz Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10
