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Python: filter list of list with another list


i'm trying to filter a list, i want to extract from a list A (is a list of lists), the elements what matches they key index 0, with another list B what has a serie of values

like this

list_a = list(   list(1, ...),   list(5, ...),   list(8, ...),   list(14, ...) )  list_b = list(5, 8)  return filter(lambda list_a: list_a[0] in list_b, list_a) 

should return:

list(     list(5, ...),     list(8, ...) ) 

How can i do this? Thanks!

like image 283
fj123x Avatar asked Aug 26 '13 16:08


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1 Answers

Use a list comprehension:

result = [x for x in list_a if x[0] in list_b] 

For improved performance convert list_b to a set first.

As @kevin noted in comments something like list(5,8)(unless it's not a pseudo-code) is invalid and you'll get an error.

list() accepts only one item and that item should be iterable/iterator

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Ashwini Chaudhary Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 00:10

Ashwini Chaudhary