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Python f-string equivalent in R?



Does R have an equivalent of the Python f-string? Like this example in Python:

name = "Eric"
age = 42
f"Hello, {name}. You are {age}."

I know about paste and paste0, but they require you to separate the different elements with commas. I could not find anything about it while searching the Internet.

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justinian482 Avatar asked Jan 21 '21 12:01


People also ask

Are there f-strings in Python?

Python f-string is the newest Python syntax to do string formatting. It is available since Python 3.6. Python f-strings provide a faster, more readable, more concise, and less error prone way of formatting strings in Python. The f-strings have the f prefix and use {} brackets to evaluate values.

What is Python string F?

Also called “formatted string literals,” f-strings are string literals that have an f at the beginning and curly braces containing expressions that will be replaced with their values.

What is %s %d %F in Python?

Answer. In Python, string formatters are essentially placeholders that let us pass in different values into some formatted string. The %d formatter is used to input decimal values, or whole numbers. If you provide a float value, it will convert it to a whole number, by truncating the values after the decimal point.

How do you do R and F in Python?

The r only disables backslash escape sequence processing, not f-string processing. Quoting the docs: The 'f' may be combined with 'r', but not with 'b' or 'u', therefore raw formatted strings are possible, but formatted bytes literals are not.

1 Answers

You can use glue:

name <- "Eric"
age <- 42
glue('Hello, {name}. You are {age}.')
#> Hello, Eric. You are 42.
like image 200
starja Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
