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Python equivalent for MATLAB's normplot?

Is there a python equivalent function similar to normplot from MATLAB? Perhaps in matplotlib?

MATLAB syntax:

x = normrnd(10,1,25,1);


enter image description here

I have tried using matplotlib & numpy module to determine the probability/percentile of the values in array but the output plot y-axis scales are linear as compared to the plot from MATLAB.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data =[-11.83,-8.53,-2.86,-6.49,-7.53,-9.74,-9.44,-3.58,-6.68,-13.26,-4.52]
plot_percentiles = range(0, 110, 10) 

x = np.percentile(data, plot_percentiles)
plt.plot(x, plot_percentiles, 'ro-')

Gives: enter image description here

Else, how could the scales be adjusted as in the first plot?


like image 769
siva Avatar asked Jun 17 '11 07:06


2 Answers

A late answer, but I just came across the same problem and found a solution, that is worth sharing. I guess.

As joris pointed out the probplot function is an equivalent to normplot, but the resulting distribution is in form of the cumulative density function. Scipy.stats also offers a function, to convert these values.

cdf -> percentile

stats.'distribution function'.cdf(cdf_value)

percentile -> cdf

stats.'distribution function'.ppf(percentile_value)

for example:


To get an equivalent y-axis, like normplot, you can replace the cdf-ticks:

from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#create list of random variables
x=stats.t.rvs(100, size=nsample)

# Calculate quantiles and least-square-fit curve
(quantiles, values), (slope, intercept, r) = stats.probplot(x, dist='norm')

#plot results
plt.plot(values, quantiles,'ob')
plt.plot(quantiles * slope + intercept, quantiles, 'r')

#define ticks
ticks_perc=[1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 90, 95, 99]

#transfrom them from precentile to cumulative density
ticks_quan=[stats.norm.ppf(i/100.) for i in ticks_perc]

#assign new ticks

#show plot

The result:

probability plot with matplotlib

like image 50
Kaioto Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10


I'm fairly certain matplotlib doesn't provide anything like this.

It's possible to do, of course, but you'll have to either rescale your data and change your y axis ticks/labels to match, or, if you're planning on doing this often, perhaps code a new scale that can be applied to matplotlib axes, like in this example: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/api/custom_scale_example.html.

like image 41
weronika Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 07:10
