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Python coding practice : Return None vs Return same datatype with empty value? [closed]



Shall same datatypes be used to return from functions, or assign default values ? or None ? What is a better coding practice, and why ?

eg. Some pseudo codes in python :


def my_position():   # returns a positive integer if found
    if(object is present):
          position = get_position()
          return position # eg 2,3,4,6
          return None     # or return -1 or 0 ??


def get_database_rows():    
    do query to whatever database
    if(rows are found):
       return [list of rows]
       return None  # or return empty list []  ?


the_dictionary = {'a' : 'john','b':'mike','c': 'robert' }  # values are names i.e. non empty string
my_new_var = the_dictionary.get('z', None)  # or the_dictionary.get('z','')  ?
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DhruvPathak Avatar asked Jan 29 '13 13:01


2 Answers

  1. Raise an IndexError if the item is not found. This is what Python's list does. (Or maybe return the index where the item should have lived when doing a binary search or similar operation.)

  2. Think about what your function does, logically: if it returns a list of all items in a DB that satisfy some criterion, and there are no such items, then it makes sense to return an empty list since that allows all the usual list operations (len, in) to function without the need for an explicit check.

    However, if the absence of the required items indicates inconsistency, then raise an exception.

  3. My previous remark applies especially to this case: it depends on what you're going to do with the value you get. An ordinary dict just raises a KeyError when a key is not found. You're replacing that exception with a value, so you should know which value makes sense in the context of your program. If no value does, then just let the exception fly.

That said, returning None is often a bad idea because it may obscure bugs. None is the default return value in Python, so a function returning it may indicate nothing more than its author's forgetting a return statement:

def food(what):
    if what == HAM:
        return "HAM!"
    if what == SPAM:
        return " ".join(["SPAM" for i in range(10)])
    # should raise an exception here

lunch = food(EGGS)    # now lunch is None, but what does that mean?
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Fred Foo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Fred Foo

There is also another option not listed in the question: throwing an exception. It seems to be popular enough in python, and it's sometimes better to follow a common practice for your language than to look for an abstractly best solution.

As of your examples:

  1. I would consider -1 because that's what "".find does, or throwing a ValueError because that's what [].index does (I don't mean the first option is the best one). I would never use one-based indices, so the value 0 is a valid result and can't be used to represent emptyness.

  2. I would prefer an empty list because the caller is not guaranteed to be interested in emptyness as a special case. If I want to count all rows for several queries, I'd hate to handle None specially. If there is a logically distinct situation where the list of rows cannot be produced (as opposed to there are no matching rows), I would consider using None or throwing an exception for this case.

  3. The meaning of an example is unclear, especially given that None is a valid dictionary key. But if I had to use some special value where string is normally expected, I would prefer it to be None (and if you prefer an empty string, it's important to know for sure that you never need a valid empty string, representing nothing special but itself).

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Anton Kovalenko Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Anton Kovalenko