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Python, checksum of a dict

I'm thinking to create a checksum of a dict to know if it was modified or not For the moment i have that:

>>> import hashlib
>>> import pickle
>>> d = {'k': 'v', 'k2': 'v2'}
>>> z = pickle.dumps(d)
>>> hashlib.md5(z).hexdigest()

Perhaps a better solution exists?

Note: I want to create an unique id of a dict to create a good Etag.

EDIT: I can have abstract data in the dict.

like image 374
sahid Avatar asked Aug 03 '11 08:08


People also ask

Can you hash a dict Python?

On the other hand, the main use cases of the Python hash function is to compare dictionary keys during a lookup. Anything that is hashable can be used as a key in a dictionary, for example {(1,2): "hi there"} . This situation sets us up for a simple MD5 based hashing of dictionaries.

How do you make a checksum in Python?

Use the hashlib. md5() Function to Generate and Check the checksum of an MD5 File in Python. The hashlib module is utilized to implement a common interface for several different message digest and secure hash algorithms.

What hash function does Python dictionary use?

So, there you have it: Python uses SipHash because it's a trusted, cryptographic hash function that should prevent collision attacks.

How does Python dictionary handle collisions?

Python dict uses open addressing to resolve hash collisions (see dictobject. c:296-297). In open addressing, hash collisions are resolved by probing (explained below) . The hash table is just a contiguous block of memory (like an array, so you can do O(1) lookup by index).

1 Answers

Something like this:

reduce(lambda x,y : x^y, [hash(item) for item in d.items()])

Take the hash of each (key, value) tuple in the dict and XOR them alltogether.

@katrielalex If the dict contains unhashable items you could do this:


or maybe even better

like image 171
Bart Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
