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Python: check if an object is NOT an "array-type"

I'm looking for a way to test if an object is not of a "list-ish" type, that is - not only that the object is not iterable (e.g. - you can also run iter on a string, or on a simple object that implements iter) but that the object is not in the list family. I define the "list" family as list/tuple/set/frozenset, or anything that inherits from those, however - as there might be something that I'm missing, I would like to find a more general way than running isinstance against all of those types.

I thought of two possible ways to do it, but both seem somewhat awkward as they very much test against every possible list type, and I'm looking for a more general solution.

First option:

return not isinstance( value, (frozenset, list, set, tuple,) )

Second option:

return not hasattr(value, '__iter__')

Is testing for the __iter__ attribute enough? Is there a better way for finding whether an object is not a list-type?

Thanks in advance.


(Quoted from comment to @Rosh Oxymoron's Solution):
Thinking about the definition better now, I believe it would be more right to say that I need to find everything that is not array-type in definition, but it can still be a string/other simple object...
Checking against collections.Iterable will still give me True for objects which implement the __iter__ method.

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amito Avatar asked Aug 28 '11 13:08


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1 Answers

There is no term 'list-ish' and there is no magic build-in check_if_value_is_an_instance_of_some_i_dont_know_what_set_of_types.

You solution with not isinstance( value, (frozenset, list, set, tuple,) ) is pretty good - it is clear and explicit.

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Roman Bodnarchuk Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 14:11

Roman Bodnarchuk