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Python: Binary To Decimal Conversion [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
Convert binary string to int

How would I convert this binary value '101011111' to decimal form in Python?

The function converts binary numbers into decimal numbers.

Inputs: string b: a binary number

Outputs: int d: a decimal representation of b

def Binary_to_Decimal(b):     #what needs to be filled in     return d 
like image 460
Aaron Porter Avatar asked Dec 01 '12 04:12

Aaron Porter

People also ask

How do I convert binary to decimal in Python?

In Python, you can simply use the bin() function to convert from a decimal value to its corresponding binary value. And similarly, the int() function to convert a binary to its decimal value. The int() function takes as second argument the base of the number to be converted, which is 2 in case of binary numbers.

How do I get rid of OB in Python?

Use the format() builtin. It also works for hexadecimal, simply replace 'b' with 'x' .

What is bin function in Python?

The bin() function returns the binary version of a specified integer. The result will always start with the prefix 0b .

How do you convert binary numbers to decimal numbers?

To convert a binary value to decimal, we need to multiply each digit of the binary number with the power of 2 and sum the results to find the decimal. For example, let’s take a look at the binary value 10111.

How do I convert a Python integer to a decimal?

Internally in the computer, python integers are stored in binary. The conversion to decimal representation, i.e., to a string of digits, happens when calling the function print, str, or repr, to print the number to screen. Not the answer you're looking for?

How to convert a binary string to an integer in Python?

First of all, let us convert a binary string into an integer using the int () function in Python. the following is a simple Python program to convert a binary string into an integer: number= input ('Enter a Binary number:') dec_number= int (number, 2) print ('The decimal conversion is:', dec_number) print (type (dec_number))

How to convert binary number 10110 to decimal number in Python?

Now supply the input say 10110 as binary number, press ENTER key to convert it into its equivalent decimal value: The dry run of following block of code: The condition bnum!=0 (of while loop) or 10110!=0 evaluates to be true, therefore program flow goes inside the loop and evaluates all its four statements, one by one

1 Answers

You can use int casting which allows the base specification.

int(b, 2)  # Convert a binary string to a decimal int. 
like image 104
Benjamin Powers Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Benjamin Powers