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Python, beyond the basics [closed]



I've gotten to grips with the basics of Python and I've got a small holiday which I want to use some of to learn a little more Python. The problem is that I have no idea what to learn or where to start. I'm primarily web development but in this case I don't know how much difference it will make.

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Teifion Avatar asked Sep 18 '08 12:09


People also ask

Is Pluralsight good for learning Python?

Long story short, Pluralsight is arguably one of the best and most cost-effective platforms to learn Python.

Is learning Python worth it 2020?

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence are the future of the IT industries. Python will be a great start to boost up your level of knowledge. Python is the most preferred language for research purposes also, so you have a great scope to discover further about its applications and utility.

Can you learn Python with no experience?

Yes, you can learn Python without any programming experience. In fact, Python is so popular in part because of its easy-to-use, intuitive nature. For people without any coding experience at all, Python is actually considered the perfect programming language.

4 Answers

Well, there are great ressources for advanced Python programming :

  • Dive Into Python (read it for free)
  • Online python cookbooks (e.g. here and there)
  • O'Reilly's Python Cookbook (see amazon)
  • A funny riddle game : Python Challenge

Here is a list of subjects you must master if you want to write "Python" on your resume :

  • list comprehensions
  • iterators and generators
  • decorators

They are what make Python such a cool language (with the standard library of course, that I keep discovering everyday).

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e-satis Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10


Depending on exactly what you mean by "gotten to grips with the basics", I'd suggest reading through Dive Into Python and typing/executing all the chapter code, then get something like Programming Collective Intelligence and working through it - you'll learn python quite well, not to mention some quite excellent algorithms that'll come in handy to a web developer.

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Russ Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10


Something great to play around with, though not a project, is The Python Challenge. I've found it quite useful in improving my python skills, and it gives your brain a good workout at the same time.

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akdom Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10


I honestly loved the book Programming Python. It has a large assortment of small projects, most of which can be completed in an evening at a leisurely pace. They get you acquainted with most of the standard library and will likely hold your interest. Most importantly these small projects are actually useful in a "day to day" sense. The book pretty much only assumes you know and understand the bare essentials of Python as a language, rather than knowledge of it's huge API library.

I think you'll find it'll be well worth working through.

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Ryan Taylor Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Ryan Taylor