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Python append multiple files in given order to one big file


I have up to 8 seperate Python processes creating temp files in a shared folder. Then I'd like the controlling process to append all the temp files in a certain order into one big file. What's the quickest way of doing this at an os agnostic shell level?

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Martlark Avatar asked Apr 01 '11 06:04


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To merge all excel files in a folder, use the Glob module and the append() method. Note − You may need to install openpyxl and xlrd packages.

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1 Answers

Just using simple file IO:

# tempfiles is a list of file handles to your temp files. Order them however you like f = open("bigfile.txt", "w") for tempfile in tempfiles:     f.write(tempfile.read()) 

That's about as OS agnostic as it gets. It's also fairly simple, and the performance ought to be about as good as using anything else.

like image 77
Rafe Kettler Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09

Rafe Kettler