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Python : Any way to get one process to have a write lock and others to just read on parallel?


Let's say I have a dictionary that contains key-values where the value is an object with a lock. Each process needs to get the lock to modify the specific object, but the keys in the dictionary are stable.

Now, as I said before, if a new key is to be added with a new object (not very often), is there a way to use a lock that will exclude the other processes from accessing the objects while I add the key to dictionary?

The reason for this, is that I can't see the point in making the dictionary exclusive to all processes when it is unlikely that they will operate on the same objects, so the objects are the only ones that need to be waited on. When I modify the integrity of the dictionary, I want to block every process from accessing it, but while not, I want them to have parallel access to it.

Please ask if I am not clear.

like image 533
unixsnob Avatar asked Apr 28 '13 10:04


People also ask

What does lock () do in Python?

A lock can be locked using the acquire() method. Once a thread has acquired the lock, all subsequent attempts to acquire the lock are blocked until it is released. The lock can be released using the release() method. Calling the release() method on a lock, in an unlocked state, results in an error.

Which one is reentrant lock type in Python?

RLock Objects. A reentrant lock is a synchronization primitive that may be acquired multiple times by the same thread. Internally, it uses the concepts of “owning thread” and “recursion level” in addition to the locked/unlocked state used by primitive locks.

How do you lock a file in Python?

This package contains a single module, which implements a platform independent file lock in Python, which provides a simple way of inter-process communication: from filelock import Timeout, FileLock lock = FileLock("high_ground. txt. lock") with lock: with open("high_ground.

2 Answers

I found these python version of the reader writer lock

A reader-writer lock for Python

Reader-Writer lock with priority for writers (Python recipe)

like image 74
Yoriz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09


One more implementation of the ReadWriteLock, takes care of the writer starvation issue and supports promotion of read lock to write lock, if requested for during construction. It utilizes only one Lock and a Condition.

# From O'Reilly Python Cookbook by David Ascher, Alex Martelli # With changes to cover the starvation situation where a continuous #   stream of readers may starve a writer, Lock Promotion and Context Managers  class ReadWriteLock:   """ A lock object that allows many simultaneous "read locks", but   only one "write lock." """    def __init__(self, withPromotion=False):     self._read_ready = threading.Condition(threading.RLock(  ))     self._readers = 0     self._writers = 0     self._promote = withPromotion     self._readerList = []  # List of Reader thread IDs     self._writerList = []  # List of Writer thread IDs    def acquire_read(self):     logging.debug("RWL : acquire_read()")     """ Acquire a read lock. Blocks only if a thread has     acquired the write lock. """     self._read_ready.acquire(  )     try:       while self._writers > 0:         self._read_ready.wait()       self._readers += 1     finally:       self._readerList.append(threading.get_ident())       self._read_ready.release(  )    def release_read(self):     logging.debug("RWL : release_read()")     """ Release a read lock. """     self._read_ready.acquire(  )     try:       self._readers -= 1       if not self._readers:         self._read_ready.notifyAll(  )     finally:       self._readerList.remove(threading.get_ident())       self._read_ready.release(  )    def acquire_write(self):     logging.debug("RWL : acquire_write()")     """ Acquire a write lock. Blocks until there are no     acquired read or write locks. """     self._read_ready.acquire(  )   # A re-entrant lock lets a thread re-acquire the lock     self._writers += 1     self._writerList.append(threading.get_ident())     while self._readers > 0:       # promote to write lock, only if all the readers are trying to promote to writer       # If there are other reader threads, then wait till they complete reading       if self._promote and threading.get_ident() in self._readerList and set(self._readerList).issubset(set(self._writerList)):         break       else:         self._read_ready.wait(  )    def release_write(self):     logging.debug("RWL : release_write()")     """ Release a write lock. """     self._writers -= 1     self._writerList.remove(threading.get_ident())     self._read_ready.notifyAll(  )     self._read_ready.release(  )  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  class ReadRWLock:   # Context Manager class for ReadWriteLock   def __init__(self, rwLock):     self.rwLock = rwLock    def __enter__(self):     self.rwLock.acquire_read()     return self         # Not mandatory, but returning to be safe    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):     self.rwLock.release_read()     return False        # Raise the exception, if exited due to an exception  #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  class WriteRWLock:   # Context Manager class for ReadWriteLock   def __init__(self, rwLock):     self.rwLock = rwLock    def __enter__(self):     self.rwLock.acquire_write()     return self         # Not mandatory, but returning to be safe    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):     self.rwLock.release_write()     return False        # Raise the exception, if exited due to an exception  #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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sgarg Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09
