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Python and Selenium - Avoid submit form when send_keys() with newline

I am using Python 3 with selenium.

Let's assume var = "whatever\nelse"

My problem is that when I use elem.send_keys(var) it sends the form after "whatever" (because of the newline)

How may I replace "whatever\nelse" with whatever + SHIFT+ENTER + else?

Or is there any other way to input newlines without actually using javascript or substituting newlines with the newline keystroke?

Note: elem is a contenteditable div.

like image 426
Álvaro N. Franz Avatar asked Jul 21 '17 11:07

Álvaro N. Franz

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1 Answers

Did you tried something like:



from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

inputtext = 'foo\nbar'
elem = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('div')
for part in inputtext.split('\n'):

ActionChains will chain key_down of SHIFT + ENTER + key_up after being pressed.

Like this you perform your SHIFT + ENTER, then release buttons so you didn't write all in capslock (because of SHIFT)

PS: this example add too many new lines (because of the simple loop on inputtext.split('\n'), but you got the idea.

like image 123
Arount Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09
