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Python: All possible Timezone Abbreviations for given Timezone Name (and vise versa)

Using pytz, I know how to get a listing a Timezone names, but I would like to get all possible Timezone abbreviations for each Timezone name:

import pytz
['Africa/Abidjan', 'Africa/Accra', 'Africa/Addis_Ababa',...]

What I am looking for is given any Timezone abbreviation, example PST or PDT, ignoring current datetime (e.g. now), return the all possible Timezone name, in this case a list that would include America/Los_Angeles.


like image 876
jeff00seattle Avatar asked Mar 17 '16 17:03


People also ask

How do you get timezone abbreviations in Python?

Format UTC DateTime to Get the timezone name Extract the timezone name from UTC DateTime using the DateTime formatting in Python. Use the %Z directive to get the timezone name.

How do you give timezone in Python?

You can also use the pytz module to create timezone-aware objects. For this, we will store the current date and time in a new variable using the datetime. now() function of datetime module and then we will add the timezone using timezone function of pytz module.

Which Python library is used for timezone?

The zoneinfo module provides a concrete time zone implementation to support the IANA time zone database as originally specified in PEP 615.

What is pytz UTC?

The pytz package encourages using UTC for internal timezone representation by including a special UTC implementation based on the standard Python reference implementation in the Python documentation. The UTC timezone unpickles to be the same instance, and pickles to a smaller size than other pytz tzinfo instances.

1 Answers

Since you wish to ignore the current datetime, it sounds like you want to find any timezone which ever used the given abbreviation at any time in the past. That information is in the Olson database and accessible through pytz. However, pytz stores this information in the private attribute, tzone._transition_info:

import collections
import datetime as DT
import pytz

tzones = collections.defaultdict(set)
abbrevs = collections.defaultdict(set)

for name in pytz.all_timezones:
    tzone = pytz.timezone(name)
    for utcoffset, dstoffset, tzabbrev in getattr(
            tzone, '_transition_info', [[None, None, DT.datetime.now(tzone).tzname()]]):

The reason for the third (default) argument to gettattr is to handle a few timezones, such as Africa/Bujumbura, which never had any transitions. So the abbreviation in these cases is the current abbreviation.

In [94]: tzones['PST']

In [95]: tzones['PDT']

In [97]: abbrevs['America/Los_Angeles']
Out[97]: {'LMT', 'PDT', 'PPT', 'PST', 'PWT'}

As Paul points out, note that timezone abbreviations are ambiguous -- they do not necessarily map to timezones with the same utcoffset. For example, both Asia/Shanghai and US/Central use the CST timezone abbreviation.

In [242]: 'Asia/Shanghai' in tzones['CST']
Out[242]: True

In [243]: 'US/Central' in tzones['CST']
Out[243]: True
like image 93
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
