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Python 3.4 64-bit download

How can I download Anaconda with previous Python versions like Python 3.4 64-bit.

The reason is Bloomberg API is only available up to 3.4 and 3.5 is not out yet.

like image 788
Michael Corcelli Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 08:03

Michael Corcelli

1 Answers

I recommend installing the newest Anaconda version and using virtual-environments. This way, you would set up a Python 3.4 environment.

This is documented here. There are also these docs, which are describing mostly the same approach, but are targeting more specifically the python2/3 problem. (Link mentioned in the comments)

So after installing Anaconda (let's assume, condas binaries are in the path:

conda create --name py34 python=3.4

Then it can be used with

source activate py34  # linux
activate py34         # windows

During activation (or: while activated), the binaries (python, pip, conda) will be in the path). This means using conda install matplotlib will install to the 3.4 version!

After doing:

source activate root  # linux
activate root         # windows

something like conda install matplotlib will install to the base-version.

like image 54
sascha Avatar answered Mar 24 '23 18:03
