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PySpark row-wise function composition

As a simplified example, I have a dataframe "df" with columns "col1,col2" and I want to compute a row-wise maximum after applying a function to each column :

def f(x):
    return (x+1)

max_udf=udf(lambda x,y: max(x,y), IntegerType())
f_udf=udf(f, IntegerType())

df2=df.withColumn("result", max_udf(f_udf(df.col1),f_udf(df.col2)))

So if df:

col1   col2
1      2
3      0



col1   col2  result
1      2     3
3      0     4

The above doesn't seem to work and produces "Cannot evaluate expression: PythonUDF#f..."

I'm absolutely positive "f_udf" works just fine on my table, and the main issue is with the max_udf.

Without creating extra columns or using basic map/reduce, is there a way to do the above entirely using dataframes and udfs? How should I modify "max_udf"?

I've also tried:

max_udf=udf(max, IntegerType())

which produces the same error.

I've also confirmed that the following works:

df2=(df.withColumn("temp1", f_udf(df.col1))
       .withColumn("temp2", f_udf(df.col2))

df2=df2.withColumn("result", max_udf(df2.temp1,df2.temp2))

Why is it that I can't do these in one go?

I would like to see an answer that generalizes to any function "f_udf" and "max_udf."

like image 903
Alex R. Avatar asked Apr 12 '16 21:04

Alex R.

3 Answers

I had a similar problem and found the solution in the answer to this stackoverflow question

To pass multiple columns or a whole row to an UDF use a struct:

from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, struct from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType  df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(None, None), (1, None), (None, 2)], ("a", "b"))  count_empty_columns = udf(lambda row: len([x for x in row if x == None]), IntegerType())  new_df = df.withColumn("null_count", count_empty_columns(struct([df[x] for x in df.columns])))  new_df.show() 


+----+----+----------+ |   a|   b|null_count| +----+----+----------+ |null|null|         2| |   1|null|         1| |null|   2|         1| +----+----+----------+ 
like image 158
Christoph Hösler Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Christoph Hösler

UserDefinedFunction is throwing error while accepting UDFs as their arguments.

You can modify the max_udf like below to make it work.

df = sc.parallelize([(1, 2), (3, 0)]).toDF(["col1", "col2"])  max_udf = udf(lambda x, y: max(x + 1, y + 1), IntegerType())  df2 = df.withColumn("result", max_udf(df.col1, df.col2)) 


def f_udf(x):     return (x + 1)  max_udf = udf(lambda x, y: max(x, y), IntegerType()) ## f_udf=udf(f, IntegerType())  df2 = df.withColumn("result", max_udf(f_udf(df.col1), f_udf(df.col2))) 


The second approach is valid if and only if internal functions (here f_udf) generate valid SQL expressions.

It works here because f_udf(df.col1) and f_udf(df.col2) are evaluated as Column<b'(col1 + 1)'> and Column<b'(col2 + 1)'> respectively, before being passed to max_udf. It wouldn't work with arbitrary function.

It wouldn't work if we try for example something like this:

from math import exp  df.withColumn("result", max_udf(exp(df.col1), exp(df.col2))) 
like image 27
Mohan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10


Below a useful code especially made to create any new column by simply calling a top-level business rule, completely isolated from the technical and heavy Spark's stuffs (no need to spend $ and to feel dependant of Databricks libraries anymore). My advice is, in your organization try to do things simply and cleanly in life, for the benefits of top-level data users:

def createColumnFromRule(df, columnName, ruleClass, ruleName, inputColumns=None, inputValues=None, columnType=None):
    from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    from pyspark.sql import types as T
    def _getSparkClassType(shortType):
        defaultSparkClassType = "StringType"
        typesMapping = {
            "bigint"    : "LongType",
            "binary"    : "BinaryType",
            "boolean"   : "BooleanType",
            "byte"      : "ByteType",
            "date"      : "DateType",
            "decimal"   : "DecimalType",
            "double"    : "DoubleType",
            "float"     : "FloatType",
            "int"       : "IntegerType",
            "integer"   : "IntegerType",
            "long"      : "LongType",
            "numeric"   : "NumericType",
            "string"    : defaultSparkClassType,
            "timestamp" : "TimestampType"
        sparkClassType = None
            sparkClassType = typesMapping[shortType]
            sparkClassType = defaultSparkClassType
        return sparkClassType
    if (columnType != None): sparkClassType = _getSparkClassType(columnType)
    else: sparkClassType = "StringType"
    aUdf = eval("F.udf(ruleClass." + ruleName + ", T." + sparkClassType + "())")
    columns = None
    values = None
    if (inputColumns != None): columns = F.struct([df[column] for column in inputColumns])
    if (inputValues != None): values = F.struct([F.lit(value) for value in inputValues])
    # Call the rule
    if (inputColumns != None and inputValues != None): df = df.withColumn(columnName, aUdf(columns, values))
    elif (inputColumns != None): df = df.withColumn(columnName, aUdf(columns, F.lit(None)))
    elif (inputValues != None): df = df.withColumn(columnName, aUdf(F.lit(None), values))
    # Create a Null column otherwise
        if (columnType != None):
            df = df.withColumn(columnName, F.lit(None).cast(columnType))
            df = df.withColumn(columnName, F.lit(None))
    # Return the resulting dataframe
    return df

Usage example:

# Define your business rule (you can get columns and values)
class CustomerRisk:
    def churnRisk(self, columns=None, values=None):
        isChurnRisk = False
        # ... Rule implementation starts here
        if (values != None):
            if (values[0] == "FORCE_CHURN=true"): isChurnRisk = True
        if (isChurnRisk == False and columns != None):
            if (columns["AGE"]) <= 25): isChurnRisk = True
        # ...
        return isChurnRisk

# Execute the rule, it will create your new column in one line of code, that's all, easy isn't ?
# And look how to pass columns and values, it's really easy !
df = createColumnFromRule(df, columnName="CHURN_RISK", ruleClass=CustomerRisk(), ruleName="churnRisk", columnType="boolean", inputColumns=["NAME", "AGE", "ADDRESS"], inputValues=["FORCE_CHURN=true", "CHURN_RISK=100%"])
like image 33
prossblad Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
