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PyQt5 StatusBar Separators


How do I add vertical separators to my statusbar?

(Red arrows) in this screenshot.

enter image description here

And if I success this how can I show selected Line and Column?

(Blue arrows) in same screenshot.

That's for windows.

like image 241
ForceVII Avatar asked Sep 15 '19 11:09


1 Answers

void QStatusBar::addPermanentWidget(QWidget *widget, int stretch = 0)

Adds the given widget permanently to this status bar, reparenting the widget if it isn't already a child of this QStatusBar object. The stretch parameter is used to compute a suitable size for the given widget as the status bar grows and shrinks. The default stretch factor is 0, i.e giving the widget a minimum of space.

import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QMainWindow, QStatusBar, QLabel, 
                             QPushButton, QFrame)

class VLine(QFrame):
    # a simple VLine, like the one you get from designer
    def __init__(self):
        super(VLine, self).__init__()

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.statusBar().showMessage("bla-bla bla")
        self.lbl1 = QLabel("Label: ")
        self.lbl1.setStyleSheet('border: 0; color:  blue;')
        self.lbl2 = QLabel("Data : ")
        self.lbl2.setStyleSheet('border: 0; color:  red;')
        ed = QPushButton('StatusBar text')

        self.statusBar().setStyleSheet('border: 0; background-color: #FFF8DC;')
        self.statusBar().setStyleSheet("QStatusBar::item {border: none;}") 
        self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(VLine())    # <---
        self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(VLine())    # <---
        self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(VLine())    # <---
        self.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(VLine())    # <---
        self.lbl1.setText("Label: Hello")
        self.lbl2.setText("Data : 15-09-2019")

        ed.clicked.connect(lambda: self.statusBar().showMessage("Hello "))
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    window = MainWindow()

enter image description here

like image 96
S. Nick Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

S. Nick