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`pyparsing`: iterating over `ParsedResults`

I've just started using pyparsing this evening and I've built a complex grammar which describes some sources I'm working with very effectively. It was very easy and very powerful. However, I'm having some trouble working with ParsedResults. I need to be able to iterate over nested tokens in the order that they're found, and I'm finding it a little frustrating. I've abstracted my problem to a simple case:

import pyparsing as pp

word = pp.Word(pp.alphas + ',.')('word*')
direct_speech = pp.Suppress('“') + pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(word))('direct_speech*') + pp.Suppress('”')
sentence = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(word | direct_speech))('sentence')

test_string = 'Lorem ipsum “dolor sit” amet, consectetur.'

r = sentence.parseString(test_string)

print r.asXML('div')

print ''

for name, item in r.sentence.items():
    print name, item

print ''

for item in r.sentence:
    print item.getName(), item.asList()

as far as I can see, this ought to work? Here is the output:


word ['Lorem', 'ipsum', 'amet,', 'consectetur.']
direct_speech [['dolor', 'sit']]

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./test.py", line 27, in <module>
    print item.getName(), item.asList()
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'getName'

The XML output seems to indicate that the string is parsed exactly as I would wish, but I can't iterate over the sentence, for example, to reconstruct it.

Is there a way to do what I need to?



I've been using this:

for item in r.sentence:
    if isinstance(item, basestring):
        print item
        print item.getName(), item

but it doesn't help me all that much, because I can't distinguish different types of string. Here is a slightly expanded example:

word = pp.Word(pp.alphas + ',.')('word*')
number = pp.Word(pp.nums + ',.')('number*')

direct_speech = pp.Suppress('“') + pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(word | number))('direct_speech*') + pp.Suppress('”')
sentence = pp.Group(pp.OneOrMore(word | number | direct_speech))('sentence')

test_string = 'Lorem 14 ipsum “dolor 22 sit” amet, consectetur.'

r = sentence.parseString(test_string)

for i, item in enumerate(r.sentence):
    if isinstance(item, basestring):
        print i, item
        print i, item.getName(), item

the output is:

0 Lorem
1 14
2 ipsum
3 word ['dolor', '22', 'sit']
4 amet,
5 consectetur.

not too helpful. I can't distinguish between word and number, and the direct_speech element is labelled word?!

I'm obviously missing something. All I want to do is:

for item in r.sentence:
    if (item is a number):
        do something
    elif (item is a word):
        do something else
etc. ...

should I be approaching this differently?

like image 813
simon Avatar asked May 20 '13 06:05


1 Answers

r.sentence contains a mix of strings and ParseResults, and only ParseResults support getName(). Have you tried just iterating over r.sentence? If I print it out using asList(), I get:

['Lorem', 'ipsum', ['dolor', 'sit'], 'amet,', 'consectetur.']

Or this snippet:

for item in r.sentence:
    print type(item),item.asList() if isinstance(item,pp.ParseResults) else item


<type 'str'> Lorem
<type 'str'> ipsum
<class 'pyparsing.ParseResults'> ['dolor', 'sit']
<type 'str'> amet,
<type 'str'> consectetur.

I'm not sure I answered your question, but does that shed any light on where to go next?

(Welcome to Pyparsing)

like image 166
PaulMcG Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
