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pyodbc returns SQL Server DATE fields as strings

I'm using pyodbc to query a SQL Server 2008 database table with columns of DATE type.

The resulting rows of data contain date strings rather than python datetime.date or datetime.datetime instances.

This only appears to be an issue for columns of type DATE; columns of type DATETIME are handled correctly and return a datetime.datetime instance.


import pyodbc
from pprint import pformat
db = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=.\\SQLEXPRESS;DATABASE=scratch;Trusted_Connection=yes")
print pformat(db.cursor().execute("select * from Contract").description)


(('id', <type 'int'>, None, 10, 10, 0, False),
 ('name', <type 'str'>, None, 23, 23, 0, False),
 ('some_date', <type 'unicode'>, None, 10, 10, 0, True),
 ('write_time', <type 'datetime.datetime'>, None, 23, 23, 3, False))

Note that the some_date column is indicated as type unicode string, however, in the database this column is defined as DATE:

CREATE TABLE dbo.Contract(
    id INT NOT NULL,
    name VARCHAR(23) NOT NULL,
    some_date DATE NULL,
    write_time DATETIME NOT NULL)

Is this normal, and how can I best correct it?

like image 721
Daniel Fortunov Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 08:08

Daniel Fortunov

1 Answers

Use the SQL Server native client. e.g. Put Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0} in your connection string,instead of DRIVER={SQL Server}.

Reproduced your scenario with date being returned as string using SQL Server ODBC driver. When using a 2008+ compatible version of the SQL Server native client, the date type is returned as expected, but it looks like datetime2 gets returned as string (in my limited testing).

Table definition:

create table dbo.datetest (
    [date] date not null,
    [datetime] datetime not null,
    [datetime2] datetime2 not null

insert into
    (CAST(current_timestamp as DATE),
     CAST(current_timestamp as datetime),
     CAST(current_timestamp as datetime2));


import pyodbc
from pprint import pformat
db = pyodbc.connect(driver='{SQL Server Native Client 10.0}',
                    server='TESTSRVR', database='TESTDB',
print pformat(db.cursor().execute("select * from dbo.datetest").description)


(('date', <type 'datetime.date'>, None, 10, 10, 0, False),
 ('datetime', <type 'datetime.datetime'>, None, 23, 23, 3, False),
 ('datetime2', <type 'unicode'>, None, 27, 27, 0, False))
like image 173
Bryan Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 20:11
