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pylons mako how to check if variable exist or not




In django, we can do this:

views.py : 

    def A(request):
        context = {test : 'test'}
        return render_to_response('index.html', context , context_instance = RequestContext(request))

    def B(request):
        context = {}
        return render_to_response('index.html', context , context_instance = RequestContext(request))


        {% if test %}
            {{ test }}
        {% endif %}

And have our template render without error, even if i use method B, where variable 'test' does not exist, but I still can put it in the template.

I want to do the same with pylons + mako, in controller :


    def A(self):
        c.test = 'test'
        return render('index.html')

    def B(self):
        return render('index.html')

index.html :

        % if c.test:
        % endif

In Django, I can do that, but in Pylons, I get an error, is there anyway to check wheter 'c.test' exists or not?

the error : AttributeError: 'ContextObj' object has no attribute 'test'

like image 554
Santana Avatar asked Aug 17 '12 13:08


2 Answers

I had a similar issue where I had multiple views using the same template and needed to test if a variable was set. I looked at the docs chris referenced and found another way to solve this problem regardless of how mako.strict_undefined is set. Essentially you call the get() method on the context object. In your example you could do the following:

% if context.get('test', UNDEFINED) is not UNDEFINED:
% endif


${context.get('test', '')}

That will print the same as ${test} if it exists, and print an empty string if it doesn't.

Unfortunately you can't seem to use an in operator on context which would be the most intuitive.

like image 127
Tim Tisdall Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 06:10

Tim Tisdall

From the mako Docs on Context Variables:

% if someval is UNDEFINED:
    someval is: no value
% else:
    someval is: ${someval}
% endif

The docs describe this as referencing variable names not in the current context. Mako will set these variables to the value UNDEFINED.

I check for variables like so:

% if not someval is UNDEFINED:
    (safe to use someval)

However, if pylons/pyramid has strict_undefined=True setting, attempts to use the undefined variable results in a NameError being raised. They give a brief philisophical justification for doing it this way, instead of simply replacing un-set variables with empty strings which seems consistent with Python philosophy. Took me a while to find this, but reading that entire section on the Mako Runtime will clear up how Mako recieves, sets, and uses context variables.

For completions sake, the documents explain the strict_undefined setting here. You can change this variable by setting it in one of your .ini files:

mako.strict_undefined = false
like image 45
chris Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10
