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Pylint only Global evaluation




In pylint I use this command --reports=n to disable the reports, but now I don't see the Global evaluation more.

Is possible enable only the Global evaluation?

like image 251
Spì Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 11:03


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How does pylint calculate score?

4) Coding convention score 3 To calculate the coding convention score, we will use the standard coding convention score calculated by Pylint. The formula for this score is as follows: 10.0 - ((float(5 * Frequency of convention errors) / Number of statement) * 10). The score has a maximum of 10 but no lower bound.

What does pylint check for?

Pylint analyses your code without actually running it. It checks for errors, enforces a coding standard, looks for code smells, and can make suggestions about how the code could be refactored. Pylint can infer actual values from your code using its internal code representation (astroid).

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In python, the most consensual writing style is defined by the PEP-8 standard, which the popular pylint package enforces. It comes with a handy metric, the Pylint score: you get a 10/10 for perfectly conforming to the standard, less it you stray from it.

1 Answers

No you can't, Global Evaluation is part of the reports and with --reports=n you disable all the reports .

like image 57
systempuntoout Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
