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PyCharm: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams

I faced the same problem because I created a file named abc.py, remove that file in your project, your error will disappear.

Yes, as you said in the comment, the problem is in the filename 'abc'. You will be able to run this file within PyCharm, if you uncheck:

  • Add content roots to PYTHONPATH
  • Add sources roots to PYTHONPATH

in the menu "Run/Debug Configurations".

I have the same problem, just change your file's name from io.py to something else, It's work!

Finally found how to solve this problem in PyCharm: never use a name like abc.py or test.py.

Simply use another name, like a.py or my-unique-file-name.py

try this: File->Setting->Editor->File Encodings change the Project encoding to UTF-8