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pycharm find action from shortcut



Pycharm has the action (command) 'Find Action'. Given an action name, it will report the shortcut for that action and the context where you should issue it, e.g. in the editing window. Think of this as action -> shortcut. It also has the useful plugin "Key Promoter", which will report the shortcut you could have used when you invoked a menu action. Finally you can search for an action given a shortcut (which is what I want) in the Settings > Keymap, button "Search by Shortcut" (or something like that). Think of this as shortcut -> action. Finally the question: Is there a pycharm command that let's me search shortcut -> action without burrowing down through the settings? I do this often enough that I'd like a fast solution. Thanks.

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mcarifio Avatar asked Oct 22 '22 18:10


1 Answers

I'm afraid it's not possible without going to Keymap settings, added a new feature request as I found myself missing this feature as well, please vote.

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CrazyCoder Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 05:11
