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PyCharm - Autocomplete Quotes -Get out from within Quotes and Move the Cursor after the Closing Cursor



I'm new to PyCharm.

I like that it autocompletes single and double quotes, but how do I "get out" from within the quotes and move the cursor to the right side of the closing quote ?

Example: I start typing,

string = 'Hello World'

After I'm done with the letter d, my cursor is stuck there.

So is there a fancy way of hitting SPACE so that I can move the cursor to the right side out of the closing quote?

Thanks a lot!

like image 714
waitwaitwait Avatar asked Dec 17 '13 08:12


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2 Answers

The fastest way of achieving it in pycharm is hitting the same quotation (single or double) after u finish typing the text in the quotations. Eg.

Typing: ' then hello world then ' gives --> 'hello world'|

The first ' will give you this --> '|' The second quotation ' will push your cursor outside the end quotation.

like image 171
Mohammad Yusuf Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10

Mohammad Yusuf

Press Tab.

You can now just press Tab to move outside the quote mark.

It should work by default, but if not you can enable the option in Preferences->Editor->General->SmartKeys and enable "Jump outside closing bracket/quote with Tab when typing"

like image 22
Darren G Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10

Darren G