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PyCharm autocomplete, list of types

How I can tell with Docstring to PyCharm that return type is the list of SomeClass instances?

Tried out: @rtype [SomeClass], but it acts only as list.

like image 907
fedosov Avatar asked Aug 06 '12 09:08


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Type hints validation Any time you're applying type hints, PyCharm checks if the type is used correctly according to the supported PEPs. If there is a usage error, the corresponding warning is shown and the recommended action is suggested.

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Enabling/Disabling Auto-complete While typing your code in the editor: Press CTRL + Space key to trigger the auto-complete pop-up menu manually.

1 Answers

def do_something():
    @rtype: list of SomeClass

Works well, interprets return value as list and autocompletes SomeClass methods when accessing list element.

like image 80
fedosov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
