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PyCharm - Auto Completion for matplotlib (and other imported modules)

I am using PyCharm 2016.1 and Python 2.7 on Windows 10 and imported the matplotlib module.

As the matplotlib module ist very extensive and I am relatively new to Python, I hoped the Auto Complete function in PyCharm could help me to get an overview of the existent properties/ functions of an object. It would be more convenient as digging through the api documentation every time, not knowing what to look for an where to find it.

For example:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

When I type ax. there ist no auto completion for the properties, functions etc. of the axis, I only get the suggestions list.

I already tried this and imported the axis module directly with:

import matplotlib.axis as axis


from matplotlib.axis import Axis as axis

Smart Auto Completion and 'Collect run-time types information' is already enabled.

Is there a way to enable the auto completion like described or is there another IDE that supports that?

like image 542
Triscus Avatar asked Apr 29 '16 10:04


People also ask

How do I turn on autocomplete in PyCharm?

Go to Settings / Preferences | Editor | General | Postfix Completion and select the Enable postfix completion checkbox.

Why Autocomplete is not working in PyCharm?

You need to go into the project settings and configure the interpreter to point at the virtualenv. PyCharm will then index the interpreter and allow you to autocomplete. The virtualenv may be auto-detected in the dropdown menu on the left.

How do I turn on autocomplete in Python?

(In Python Shell window, you can use TAB key besides the key combination of 'CTRL' and 'space' to invoke the built-in auto-completion feature.) Alternatively, you can choose the "Show Completions" in the main Edit menu to achieve the same as well.

How do I get auto suggestion in PyCharm for Robot Framework?

It can be activated from Packages->Robot Framework->Show autocomplete status.

2 Answers

In addition to Paul's answer. If you are using fig, ax = plt.subplots() , you could use figure type hint. See below example:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.axes._axes as axes
import matplotlib.figure as figure

fig, ax = plt.subplots()  # type:figure.Figure, axes.Axes
like image 197
Mahmoud Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09


I believe your problem is highlighted here:


Tldr return types can vary, so it cant be figured out at compile time.

Most accepted way is to use a type hint, since it can only figure out what type it as run time :

import matplotlib.axes._axes as axes

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,1) # type:axes.Axes
ax1.set_xlabel('Test') <- now autocompletes

You can also try an assert isinstance:

import matplotlib.axes._axes as axes

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,10))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,1)
assert isinstance(ax1, axes.Axes)

It wont find the autocomplete if you do it after the method you are looking for:

assert isinstance(ax1, axes.Axes)

With this, you shouldnt let isinstance dictate the control flow of your code, if you are trying to run a method that doesnt exist on an object, it should crash, however, if your different object has a method of the same name (!) then you have inadvertently reached that goal without annotations being there. So I like it better, since you want it to crash early and in the correct place. YMMV

From the doc:

Assertions should not be used to test for failure cases that can occur because of bad user input or operating system/environment failures, such as a file not being found. Instead, you should raise an exception, or print an error message, or whatever is appropriate. One important reason why assertions should only be used for self-tests of the program is that assertions can be disabled at compile time.

If Python is started with the -O option, then assertions will be stripped out and not evaluated. So if code uses assertions heavily, but is performance-critical, then there is a system for turning them off in release builds. (But don't do this unless it's really necessary.


Alternatively, if you dont want to add to your code in this fashion, and have Ipython/jupyter installed through anoconda, you can get the code completion from the console by right clicking the code to be ran and choosing "execute selection in console"

like image 44
Paul Stanley Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Paul Stanley