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py2app: modulegraph missing scan_code

For some reason I can't explain or google, py2app crashes on me even with the simplest examples. Im using a python 3.4.1 virtual environment created as Projects/Test/virtenv which has py2app installed via pip.

Here is the output of $pip list:

altgraph (0.12)
macholib (1.7)
modulegraph (0.12)
pip (1.5.6)
py2app (0.9)
setuptools (3.6)

foo.py is a hello world example file saved in Projects/Test/ and contains a single line:

print('hello world')

setup.py is saved in Projects/Test as generated by $py2applet --make-setup foo.py:

This is a setup.py script generated by py2applet

    python setup.py py2app

from setuptools import setup

APP = ['foo.py']
OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True}

    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},

Here is the full output of running $python setup.py py2app (all pip and python commands were done with the virtual enviroment activated) :

running py2app
creating /Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/build
creating /Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/build/bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64
creating /Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/build/bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64/python3.4-standalone
creating /Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/build/bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64/python3.4-standalone/app
creating /Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/build/bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64/python3.4-standalone/app/collect
creating /Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/build/bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64/python3.4-standalone/app/temp
creating /Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/dist
creating build/bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64/python3.4-standalone/app/lib-dynload
creating build/bdist.macosx-10.8-x86_64/python3.4-standalone/app/Frameworks
*** using recipe: lxml ***
*** using recipe: ftplib ***
*** using recipe: sip ***
*** using recipe: ctypes ***
*** using recipe: xml ***
*** using recipe: pydoc ***
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 18, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/distutils/core.py", line 148, in setup
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/distutils/dist.py", line 955, in run_commands
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/python3/3.4.1/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/distutils/dist.py", line 974, in run_command
  File "/Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/virtenv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py2app/build_app.py", line 659, in run
  File "/Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/virtenv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py2app/build_app.py", line 865, in _run
  File "/Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/virtenv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py2app/build_app.py", line 943, in run_normal
    self.process_recipes(mf, filters, flatpackages, loader_files)
  File "/Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/virtenv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py2app/build_app.py", line 824, in process_recipes
    rval = check(self, mf)
  File "/Users/mik/Desktop/Projects/Test/virtenv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py2app/recipes/virtualenv.py", line 80, in check
    mf.scan_code(co, m)
AttributeError: 'ModuleGraph' object has no attribute 'scan_code'

Can someone please explain whats going on and how to fix it?

EDIT: here is the documentation for scan_code in modulegraph.py, however the file found in Projects/Test/virtenv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/modulegraph/modulegraph.py contains a function called _scan_code with a leading underscore. Is this some type of change that broke py2app?

EDIT: posted this

EDIT: Manually removing leading underscores from a couple function definitions in the file mentioned allowed py2app to run without error. I'm still confused regarding what happened

like image 258
Michal Avatar asked Aug 19 '14 23:08


1 Answers

I had the same problem as you and solved it now.

I referred to this post.

First, search for the path

$ /yourenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/py2app/recipes/virtualenv.py

Next, open this file virtualenv.py, look for scan_code or load_module and change it to _scan_code or _load_module.

Last, try to run your app

like image 134
third9 Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 19:09
