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Puzzling Enumerable.Cast InvalidCastException





The following throws an InvalidCastException.

IEnumerable<int> list = new List<int>() { 1 };
IEnumerable<long> castedList = list.Cast<long>();


I'm using Visual Studio 2008 SP1.

like image 760
jason Avatar asked Jan 15 '09 02:01


4 Answers

That's very odd! There's a blog post here that describes how the behaviour of Cast<T>() was changed between .NET 3.5 and .NET 3.5 SP1, but it still doesn't explain the InvalidCastException, which you even get if you rewrite your code thus:

var list = new[] { 1 };
var castedList = from long l in list select l;

Obviously you can work around it by doing the cast yourself

var castedList = list.Select(i => (long)i);

This works, but it doesn't explain the error in the first place. I tried casting the list to short and float and those threw the same exception.


That blog post does explain why it doesn't work!

Cast<T>() is an extension method on IEnumerable rather than IEnumerable<T>. That means that by the time each value gets to the point where it's being cast, it has already been boxed back into a System.Object. In essence it's trying to do this:

int i = 1;
object o = i;
long l = (long)o;

This code throws the InvalidCastException you're getting. If you try to cast an int directly to a long you're fine, but casting a boxed int back to a long doesn't work.

Certainly an oddity!

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Matt Hamilton Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 11:11

Matt Hamilton

Enumerable.Cast method is defined as following:

public static IEnumerable<TResult> Cast<TResult>(
    this IEnumerable source

And there is no information about initial type of IEnumerable's items, so I think each of your ints is initially converted to System.Object via boxing and then it's tried to be unboxed into long variable and this is incorrect.

Similar code to reproduce this:

int i = 1;
object o = i; // boxing
long l = (long)o; // unboxing, incorrect
// long l = (int)o; // this will work

So solution for your problem will be:

ints.Select(i => (long)i)
like image 21
okutane Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11


I'm at it again!
Here's the solution to all your List<T> and Enumerable<T> conversion problems. ~150 lines of code
Just be sure to define at least one explicit or implicit conversion operator for the input/output types involved (if one does not exist), as you should be doing anyway!

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;

namespace System.Collections.Generic //purposely in same namespace as List<T>,IEnumerable<T>, so extension methods are available with them
    public static class Enumerable
        public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput>( this IEnumerable<TInput> input ) {
            return BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( input, GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>() );

        public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput>( this IEnumerable<TInput> input, bool lazy ) {
            if (lazy) return new LazyConverter<TInput,TOutput>( input, GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>() );
            return BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( input, GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>() );

        public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput,TOutput>( this IEnumerable<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter ) {
            return BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( input, converter );

        public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>( this List<TInput> input ) {
            Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter = GetConverterDelegate<TInput,TOutput>();
            return input.ConvertAll<TOutput>( converter );

        public static IEnumerable<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>( this List<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter, bool lazy ) {
            if (lazy) return new LazyConverter<TInput, TOutput>( input, converter );
            return input.ConvertAll<TOutput>( converter );

        public static List<TOutput> ConvertAll<TInput, TOutput>( this List<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter ) {
            return input.ConvertAll<TOutput>( converter );

        //Used to manually build converted list when input is IEnumerable, since it doesn't have the ConvertAll method like the List does
        private static List<TOutput> BuildConvertedList<TInput,TOutput>( IEnumerable<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter ){
            List<TOutput> output = new List<TOutput>();
            foreach (TInput input_item in input)
                output.Add( converter( input_item ) );
            return output;

        private sealed class LazyConverter<TInput, TOutput>: IEnumerable<TOutput>, IEnumerator<TOutput>
            private readonly IEnumerable<TInput> input;
            private readonly Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter;
            private readonly IEnumerator<TInput> input_enumerator;

            public LazyConverter( IEnumerable<TInput> input, Converter<TInput, TOutput> converter )
                this.input = input;
                this.converter = converter;
                this.input_enumerator = input.GetEnumerator();

            public IEnumerator<TOutput> GetEnumerator() {return this;} //IEnumerable<TOutput> Member
            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() {return this;} //IEnumerable Member
            public void Dispose() {input_enumerator.Dispose();} //IDisposable Member
            public TOutput Current {get {return converter.Invoke( input_enumerator.Current );}} //IEnumerator<TOutput> Member
            object IEnumerator.Current {get {return Current;}} //IEnumerator Member
            public bool MoveNext() {return input_enumerator.MoveNext();} //IEnumerator Member
            public void Reset() {input_enumerator.Reset();} //IEnumerator Member

        private sealed class TypeConversionPair: IEquatable<TypeConversionPair>
            public readonly Type source_type;
            public readonly Type target_type;
            private readonly int hashcode;

            public TypeConversionPair( Type source_type, Type target_type ) {
                this.source_type = source_type;
                this.target_type = target_type;
                //precalc/store hash, since object is immutable; add one to source hash so reversing the source and target still produces unique hash
                hashcode = (source_type.GetHashCode() + 1) ^ target_type.GetHashCode();

            public static bool operator ==( TypeConversionPair x, TypeConversionPair y ) {
                if ((object)x != null) return x.Equals( y );
                if ((object)y != null) return y.Equals( x );
                return true; //x and y are both null, cast to object above ensures reference equality comparison

            public static bool operator !=( TypeConversionPair x, TypeConversionPair y ) {
                if ((object)x != null) return !x.Equals( y );
                if ((object)y != null) return !y.Equals( x );
                return false; //x and y are both null, cast to object above ensures reference equality comparison

            //TypeConversionPairs are equal when their source and target types are equal
            public bool Equals( TypeConversionPair other ) {
                if ((object)other == null) return false; //cast to object ensures reference equality comparison
                return source_type == other.source_type && target_type == other.target_type;

            public override bool Equals( object obj ) {
                TypeConversionPair other = obj as TypeConversionPair;
                if ((object)other != null) return Equals( other ); //call IEqualityComparer<TypeConversionPair> implementation if obj type is TypeConversionPair
                return false; //obj is null or is not of type TypeConversionPair; Equals shall not throw errors!

            public override int GetHashCode() {return hashcode;} //assigned in constructor; object is immutable

        private static readonly Dictionary<TypeConversionPair,Delegate> conversion_op_cache = new Dictionary<TypeConversionPair,Delegate>();

        //Uses reflection to find and create a Converter<TInput, TOutput> delegate for the given types.
        //Once a delegate is obtained, it is cached, so further requests for the delegate do not use reflection*
        //(*the typeof operator is used twice to look up the type pairs in the cache)
        public static Converter<TInput, TOutput> GetConverterDelegate<TInput, TOutput>()
            Delegate converter;
            TypeConversionPair type_pair = new TypeConversionPair( typeof(TInput), typeof(TOutput) );

            //Attempt to quickly find a cached conversion delegate.
            lock (conversion_op_cache) //synchronize with concurrent calls to Add
                if (conversion_op_cache.TryGetValue( type_pair, out converter ))
                    return (Converter<TInput, TOutput>)converter;

            //Get potential conversion operators (target-type methods are ordered first)
            MethodInfo[][] conversion_op_sets = new MethodInfo[2][] {
                type_pair.target_type.GetMethods( BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy ),
                type_pair.source_type.GetMethods( BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy )

            //Find appropriate conversion operator,
            //favoring operators on target type in case functionally equivalent operators exist,
            //since the target type's conversion operator may have access to an appropriate constructor
            //or a common instance cache (i.e. immutable objects may be cached and reused).
            for (int s = 0; s < conversion_op_sets.Length; s++) {
                MethodInfo[] conversion_ops = conversion_op_sets[s];
                for (int m = 0; m < conversion_ops.Length; m++)
                    MethodInfo mi = conversion_ops[m];
                    if ((mi.Name == "op_Explicit" || mi.Name == "op_Implicit") && 
                        mi.ReturnType == type_pair.target_type &&
                        mi.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom( type_pair.source_type )) //Assuming op_Explicit and op_Implicit always have exactly one parameter.
                        converter = Delegate.CreateDelegate( typeof(Converter<TInput, TOutput>), mi );
                        lock (conversion_op_cache) //synchronize with concurrent calls to TryGetValue
                            conversion_op_cache.Add( type_pair, converter ); //Cache the conversion operator reference for future use.
                        return (Converter<TInput, TOutput>)converter;
            return (TInput x) => ((TOutput)Convert.ChangeType( x, typeof(TOutput) )); //this works well in the absence of conversion operators for types that implement IConvertible
            //throw new InvalidCastException( "Could not find conversion operator to convert " + type_pair.source_type.FullName + " to " + type_pair.target_type.FullName + "." );

Sample use:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<string> list = new List<string>(new string[] { "abcde", "abcd", "abc"/*will break length constraint*/, "ab", "a" });
            //Uncomment line below to see non-lazy behavior.  All items converted before method returns, and will fail on third item, which breaks the length constraint.
            //List<ConstrainedString> constrained_list = list.ConvertAll<string,ConstrainedString>();
            IEnumerable<ConstrainedString> constrained_list = list.ConvertAll<string,ConstrainedString>( true ); //lazy conversion; conversion is not attempted until that item is read
            foreach (ConstrainedString constrained_string in constrained_list) //will not fail until the third list item is read/converted
                System.Console.WriteLine( constrained_string.ToString() );

        public class ConstrainedString
            private readonly string value;
            public ConstrainedString( string value ){this.value = Constrain(value);}
            public string Constrain( string value ) {
                if (value.Length > 3) return value;
                throw new ArgumentException("String length must be > 3!");
            public static explicit operator ConstrainedString( string value ){return new ConstrainedString( value );}
            public override string ToString() {return value;}
like image 4
Triynko Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11


Hmm... interesting puzzle. All the more interesting given that I just ran it in Visual Studio 2008 and it didn't throw at all.

I'm not using Service Pack 1, and you might be, so that could be the issue. I know there were some "performance enhancements" in .Cast() in the SP1 release that could be causing the issue. Some reading:

Blog Entry 1

Blog Entry 2

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Randolpho Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11
