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putty.exe, it cannot register any key stroke that I type in

I am using the correct baud rate, correct COM, and right USB-to-serial driver and when I reboot the device I am able to see the text, but PuTTY is not recognizing any of my keyboard strokes. It was working perfect until now.

Can anyone help?

like image 904
cryptotrader Avatar asked Dec 23 '14 20:12


2 Answers

Have you looked at the flow control? Try using XON/XOFF or maybe none and see if that doesn't get it working for you.

like image 60
Martin L. Brink Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Martin L. Brink

One of the main release for not being able to have keystroke is if the Serial to USB is broken. If not all ports are working the we landup in this issue.

and Yes XON/XOFF will help.

If Using Windows Keyboard use the configuration below. It resolved my problem. Putty.png

My issue is solved.

like image 38
cryptotrader Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
