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PuTTY configuration equivalent to OpenSSH ProxyCommand

I'm just trying to use PuTTY to get an SSH connection to my servers. These servers allow incoming SSH connection only from another specific server ("MySshProxyingServer" in example below).

Using Linux this is no problem with the ssh -W command.

In PuTTY I can't find the options to create such a connection.

Example under Linux (~/.ssh/config):

Host MyHostToConnectTo     Hostname xx.xx.xx.xx     User root     Identityfile ~/.ssh/id_rsa     ProxyCommand ssh MySshProxyServer -W %h:%p 

Anyone knows how to use such a config in PuTTY?

like image 621
veiL Avatar asked Mar 08 '15 12:03


People also ask

Does PuTTY have SSH?

PuTTY does not come with an SSH server. It can be used with Linux OpenSSH. For Windows and IBM z/OS mainframes, we recommend the Tectia SSH server.

What is SSH ProxyCommand?

The ProxyCommand itself is a specific command used to connect to a remote server—in the case of the earlier example, that would be the manual ssh command used to first connect to the bastion: $ ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p bastion-host" remote-host.

What is SSH tunnel in PuTTY?

The Tunnel provides you port forwarding from both sides. The first option shows you option to forward your local port to remote network to access there resources. You can also reverse the process and access resources of your local system from remote machine.

1 Answers

The equivalent in PuTTY is "local proxy command". You can use the plink.exe with the -nc switch instead of the ssh with the -W switch:

PuTTY local proxy

The "local proxy command" is:

plink.exe %user@%proxyhost -P %proxyport -nc %host:%port 

An alternative is to open a tunnel via the "MySshProxyServer" first using another instance of PuTTY (or Plink).

See for example:

  • How to create SSH tunnel using PuTTY in Windows?
  • My guide for tunneling SFTP/SCP session. It's for WinSCP, but just use PuTTY instead of WinSCP in section Connecting through the tunnel.
like image 155
Martin Prikryl Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09

Martin Prikryl