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pushing item in mongoid array

I have a model defined like this :

class Foo
  include ::Mongoid::Document

  field :name, type: String
  field :followed_bars, type: Array
  field :favorite_bars, type: Array

I created a Foo object like this :

foo = Foo.new(name: "Test")

In my DB when I type db.foo.find() I can see the object I just created. Then, in my application I'm trying to do this :

foo = Foo.first
foo.push(:followed_bars, "hello")

And every time I'm getting an error : ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)

I'm not sure to understand what am I missing here ?

Thanks in advance for help !


like image 767
Hito Avatar asked Sep 08 '13 11:09


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1 Answers

I just found how to do a push on a mongoid array.

In the API documentation they give an example (mongoid 3.x) :

Model#push    person.push(:aliases, "007")

I'm using mongoid 4.0.0 and they changed the method definition, now we have to use the new syntax so I had to write :

foo.push(aliases: "test")

Problem solved so.

like image 119
Hito Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
