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Push notifications delay with GCM

We have an app (Ruby on Rails) that sends push notifications to an android app and we're facing an issue with GCM where some of these notifications are either delayed or never received. Considering the fact that these notifications are being sent to employees and not end-users my questions is:

What the best way to send these push notifications without any delay or drop and is there a way to send push notifications independently from the available services such as GCM and SNS?

Please keep in mind that we're looking for a solutions that can send these notifications without any delay as for the app to perform well the notification must be received within 1 to 20 seconds from the time it was sent.

Thanks in advance for anyone that will reply to this question...

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user1914412 Avatar asked Mar 30 '14 06:03


People also ask

How to integrate GCM with Android push notifications?

Implement an Android Client app to register with GCM, send the registration id to your push notification server and manage the notifications sent from your server via GCM. Implement a server side API to get and store registration ids from the client app and optionally provide an Admin panel to send push notification from.

Why are push notifications delayed or not shown quickly?

Possible reasons notifications can be delayed or not shown quickly. Normally push notifications arrive quite quickly. The most common reason for notifications being delayed is the device had unstable or no internet connection and the notification did not arrive until the connection was made (defaults to 3 days ).

What is Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)?

In this walkthrough, we'll create a Xamarin.Android application that uses Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) to implement remote notifications (also known as push notifications ).

How do I set up push notifications on Android devices?

Get the SENDER_ID of the project or create a configuration file. Implement an Android Client app to register with GCM, send the registration id to your push notification server and manage the notifications sent from your server via GCM.

1 Answers

Have a look at "Pushy":

They state the following on their website:

The most reliable push notification gateway, perfect for real-time applications.

Google Cloud Messaging simply doesn't cut it for time-sensitive, real-time apps, due to its instability and push notification throttling.

Pushy works by maintaining a dedicated background socket connection using the MQTT protocol, an extremely light-weight pub/sub protocol that consumes very little network bandwidth and battery, which makes it perfect for mobile.

You can use it for free with up to 100 devices, so you could just give it a try to see, if it fits your needs. I didn't try it.

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Baris Akar Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 08:10

Baris Akar