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Push notification server [closed]


I'll need to implement server-side push-notification service for at least APNS, GCM. Any trustable open source project which is suitable for production environment I can start with?

like image 913
Jason Xu Avatar asked Mar 13 '13 13:03

Jason Xu

People also ask

Why might push notification stop working?

Reinstall the App or Wait for Updates One of the main reasons why your phone's notifications aren't working could be due to broken app updates. If your Android device is not getting notifications from one app in particular, it's possible that the developers have accidentally rolled out a buggy update.

Do push notifications work when browser is closed?

The Android OS is designed to listen for push messages and upon receiving one, wake up the appropriate Android app to handle the push message, regardless of whether the app is closed or not.

Do I need a server for push notifications?

No you dont need a server, you can simply create your own application that connects to the apple push notification server but you have to ensure you use the required develop/publish certificate for the ssl connection, you can see that on the tutorial you read in the "Making a PEM file" secction.

1 Answers

AirNotifier, stand alone notification server supports APNS, GCM, MPNS/WNS(windows phone) and SMS, it's written in python with Restful APIs and easy to use web interface.

like image 80
Dongsheng Cai Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 21:10

Dongsheng Cai