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Purpose of the "Build Automatically" option in eclipse

What is the purpose of Build Automatically option in Eclipse (Project-->Build Automatically)? Mine will always be checked. But when ever I have some java code changes I still have to do a full build. I was told that it should always be checked. I don't see any benefit in doing so. Please somebody explain.

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pushya Avatar asked Oct 06 '11 16:10


People also ask

What is build automatically in Eclipse?

By default, you are in auto-build mode and Eclipse takes care of compiling source files automatically. Builds occur automatically in the background every time you change files in the workspace (for example saving an editor). Auto-build is convenient because it means problems view, binaries, etc.

What is the use of build path in Eclipse?

The build path is used for building your application. It contains all of your source files and all Java libraries that are required to compile the application.

Where is build option in Eclipse?

It's just an Eclipse normal behaviour. Check if in menu Project -> Build Automatically is selected. To activate the Build option just deactivate Build Automatically option.

What is the default build tool in Eclipse?

So, Eclipse uses it own builds by default. If you want to go for Ant as the build tool for the project you configured in Eclipse, you can use Ant or any other.

1 Answers

Yes, you still have to do a build - but it's done automatically when you save (not an external build like an Ant build, but the "internal" build). If you didn't want to build on save, you'd uncheck the box. Having it build automatically makes some people nervous, I believe.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09

Jon Skeet