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Purpose of --enable-gold when configuring gcc

When building gcc 5.1 from source, the configure script lists the following option:

--enable-gold[=ARG]     build gold [ARG={default,yes,no}]

What does this mean? Is it telling gcc to use gold as the linker if gold is installed on the box ? If so, does it expect gold to be the default linker or should I point to gold via the



I could not find a reference to --enable-gold in the online gcc configure docs.


like image 979
MK. Avatar asked Mar 16 '23 06:03


1 Answers

GCC shares its top-level configure script with some other GNU projects, notably Binutils and GDB.

--enable-gold is an option for Binutils, which says to build the Gold linker as well as the older BFD linker. The option has absolutely no effect when building GCC.

like image 109
Jonathan Wakely Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 20:03

Jonathan Wakely