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purpose of .bind(this) at end of ajax callback?




From the reactjs tutorial, what's the purpose of having .bind(this) at the end of the ajax callback? Does code work correctly without it?

        data: JSON.stringify({text: text}),         success: function (data) {             this.setState({data: data});         }.bind(this), 
like image 677
ferk86 Avatar asked Jun 18 '14 12:06


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1 Answers

It ensure's this will be the correct object inside the callback. See Function.prototype.bind().

An alternative specific to react is to do:

myAjaxFunction: function(){   $.getJSON('/something', this.handleData); }, handleData: function(data){   this.setState({data: data}); } 

This works because React handles binding of component methods for you.

If you ran your original code in without bind, you'd get this error: TypeError: undefined is not a function because this === window in the callback;

or in strict mode: TypeError: Cannot read property 'setState' of undefined, where this === undefined in the callback.

like image 171
Brigand Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
